Chapter 16: Freedom

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Once they were inside I faced Ace who was already looking down at me curiously. "How were you able to beat them I mean I have never seen anyone move that fast...well except once."

"It wasn't the fact I was moving fast they were just predictable." He must have a sharp eye. "You seem more than just a slave I heard you speak to Lord Drake before you came outside someone who speaks to a Lord like that would get into trouble."

"Well let's just say I'm stubborn." He laughed out loud.

"You're quite mysterious...I'm sorry I never caught your name?"

"Oh mine names Violet." I saw him smirk, but that could have been anything.

"Ok, Violet my names Ace." He grabbed my hand once again and kissed it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Violet." There it goes again my cheeks started turning red.

"I better go get something to eat myself." Just then I realized how hungry I really was. I started walking towards the cafeteria side door. It was probably a good five-minute walk but it was a nice night.

"Mind if I walked with you?"

"I don't think you're allowed on the human side, you know the whole blood-wanting thing." He laughed again.

"No I suppose not but I can still walk with you until you get there."

"Why would you want to spend your time with a human?"

"Why would you want to spend your time with vampires?" he had a point it was much riskier for me than it is for them.

"Well, partly it's because everyone's busy there always doing something." He cocked one of his eyebrows, his curious face was so cute I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Shouldn't you be doing something to most humans I've seen work for vampires not mingle with them." He always seemed to get back to the same question, why am I here?

"If you really must know since you always seem to come back to the same question I'm here as a lifeline." He looked confused "Well Richard is my guardian and I wouldn't leave him when he raided our village so he just took me along and he said if either one of us got out of hand he would hurt the other." He was looking straight ahead now "What are you thinking?"

"Well makes you wonder what's going to happen when he doesn't need Richard anymore."

"I never thought of that." Although I don't think I'll go far Drake marked me, I belonged here now. That made me a bit sad never being in the forest again always being trapped inside this mansion. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at Ace he was concerned, I gave another sigh, it wasn't his problem.

"It's nothing I'm just hungry." We were at the cafeteria doors now.

"You know you're stronger than you think." How did he know how I felt, then again it was probably written all over my face. "You live in a split world you have to like the people that destroyed your life."

"Actually they did it twice." He didn't seem surprised. "I better go and you better get back to Drake before he throws a fit wondering where you are." He gave another curious look probably wondering why I called Drake, Drake not Lord Drake.

"Indeed, until we meet again then." He bowed down and walked away. I stared at him until he was out of view.

I grabbed a bunch of rice, meat, and veggies as I could I got lucky they were just putting out supper. I was sitting by myself which was nice letting me think. Ace was right I'm torn into two worlds one I hate and one I love, my mother was here and everything was secured but it's not the same. I enjoyed guarding the ones I love not being guarded. Maybe I just need to get away for a while. I'll leave at sunrise that way no one will know, I'll come back though sooner or later. I could feel my excitement coming back I felt happier already is this really what I missed the excitement of being on my own? I ate the rest of my food and took some fruits for my road trip then headed to my room to wait for daylight.

I was dressed in my old fighting outfit and had my food in a side pouch. I knew where my weapons were now Tyler told me after the incident with Shelly and Terra just in case I would need them although I would never use my real weapons on the ones I love. I heard no noise now just the birds chirping outside. It was like a return song for me. I left my bedroom and headed to the closet where my weapons were. The hallways were dead but I still kept my steps quiet.

I grabbed my weapons out of the safe and attached them, I missed my double swords. Now I just had to get to the front door, unfortunately, it's on the vampire side.

I made my way through their side so quietly I couldn't even hear my own footsteps. Everyone must be sleeping there was no one in sight. I looked down a hallway and there was no one. It was free straight to the front door. I bolted to it and yet no one stirred. I couldn't help but laugh at how easy this was. I didn't even see Steve.

When I got outside I soaked up all the sun it was the best feeling in the world there was nothing I wanted more. Now it's time for me to head out and find well nothing in particular. I already knew I could fight off any human and any average vampire with no fighting experience.

I made my way down to the town they had. I only seen it in the dark and it was very crowded. It didn't take me too long to get there and it was crowded with humans! Who knew this town was so lively? There were people selling bread and fruits some were gambling. They were all dressed in rags. They were probably selling and buying for themselves and to make money for their masters. They all seemed so happy, enjoying the sun, just like me.

I headed out of town into the woods. It was beautiful seeing the bright green and the flowers blooming. It didn't matter where I was going just as long as I was going. Although I know if I do go back Drake will be furious along with my mother. Maybe they won't notice maybe they'll just think I didn't want to see them tonight. I heard rustling in the trees and pulled out one of my blades getting ready for anything.

A black bunny jumped out in front of me not even noticing me just searching for food on the ground. I couldn't help but kneel down and watch it smell the ground. It caught sight of my stare and ran off. Too bad it was rather cute.

After walking for a while it was turning dark and I could see the sun starting to rest. All I did was walk in the forest I don't even know where I am no chance of me heading back, not anytime soon. I better make a fire before it gets too dark. I found a nice flat area and started putting together a fire. We learned how to do this when I was training to be a guardian so it wasn't all that difficult. I gathered enough wood for the night and started it. The sun was just about gone now. I sat next to a tree and watched the fire burn I ate all my food on my journey I'll have to find more tomorrow. I rested my eyes I haven't slept in a while and I could feel how exhausted I was.

Death or Destinyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें