Chapter 18: Prophecy

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"Wow, Violet you go on some crazy adventures." I looked at this boy curiously.

"Have you never had an adventure of your own?" he looked down he seemed guilty.

"No, I was only three when the raid in my village happened so I don't really remember. I was brought here and some people raised me to do what I was told by Lord Drake." That's sad to never have an adventure, what's life without it?

"Well I'm going to have to take you on one, maybe will go to the village in daylight there's a bunch of humans there it seemed exciting." His face lit up he looked so excited.

"That would be so much fun." Then his face went sad "I doubt Lord Drake would allow that."

"Let me handle him." He smiled and nodded.

"You better eat and get ready Violet you don't have much time."

I groaned, "And he told me not to be late this time."

"Alright, Violet I'll see you at dinner."

"Bye Tyler." I can't disappoint him I'll defiantly have to take him.

I quickly ate the rest of my breakfast barely tasting the food. Now the hard part getting up I dangled my feet on the side of the bed and I took a deep breath and slowly let myself stand up. It felt like I had needles in my feet and my back had sharp pains every time I moved, not to mention I'm still light-headed only a little but it's still there. I got to my dresser and leaned against it, it was going to be difficult walking there. I slowly put on a pair of pants and a long sleeve shirt trying to hide as many bruises as I could. I felt up to where that vampire bit me but I couldn't feel anything, they must heal fast.

I walked to the door, rather slowly, but I made it without falling so that was a good sign. I opened the door and Ace was on the other side.

"Oh hello, Ace you surprised me."

"Sorry about that I'm here to escort you there." He still didn't trust me to go there on my own.

"Alright then" He walked ahead of me but not too fast. I couldn't walk that fast but the movement did help the pain.

"Here we are, Violet." He opened the door for me and everyone was there except Drake, so he's the late one now.

"Thank you, Ace." He nodded then left back down the hallway. He was still so beautiful. I turned and went to sit next to Richard.

"You look better." Richard only whispered but I knew everyone could hear.

"Yea the rest helped, where's Drake?" I heard someone cough but I knew they were just saying they noticed I called him Drake instead of Lord Drake.

"Oh he's..." then Drake walked in wearing black pants and a black long-sleeved shirt, I never realized how good-looking he was until now why would I even be thinking that now? I shook the thought from my head and stood up with everyone else he seemed surprised that I did it although I think I was the only one who noticed his surprised face. He sat down and we all followed.

"Now you all know why I called you here early, my brother has been feeding and causing havoc on my land and I want him out or dead." Why would he want to kill his own brother?

"My Lord if you kill your brother then there will be no ruler on the other side of the ocean."

"I know one of the elders would gladly take over the other side perhaps my cousin." He has a cousin and is his whole family the ancients?

"But your brother is nearly as strong as you but we already know you're not meant to kill him." That came from Dallas that vile vampire. I gave her an evil look but I don't think she noticed.

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