Chapter 20: Death or Destiny

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The night sky was getting darker and everyone was crowding in the living room waiting and planning.

"What do you think Lord Drake will do when he sees our Lord drink his savior do you think he will fight knowing it will be fatal or surrender and plead for his life." I overheard some of the vampires talking and it sounded like Dallas. What came out of their mouths was just vile and just made me want to snap at them.

"If we're lucky he'll surrender and most of us will survive but if he doesn't then you can count on many deaths although we will have the victory." I heard Eaton reply.

"Well if you ask me as soon as Lord Darren takes over I'm going to enjoy playing with all his human servants, there so fragile and scare easy."

"That's if you survive the fight Demon." Everyone started laughing except for Demon but even Darren had a smirk.

"You won't touch them Demon."

"Oh, and how are you going to stop me if you're dead?" he came down to my level with a what-you-going-to-do-about-it face.

"Maybe I'll just kill you now" I threw my fist right into his gut and got up quickly enough to slam my knee into his face. He ended up rolling onto his side but before I could keep attacking him Darren put me in a chock hold and held me in by my waist but that didn't stop me from speaking.

"I told you Demon if I can hit you around this easily your certainly going to die in the fight." Demon ended up getting back up.

"Will just see about that"

"That's enough" I never let my eyes off Demon and nor did he from mine. "You know maybe I'll just transform you instead, get you working for me."

"No that's ok I think I'd rather die although at least if you did that I can keep that grave digger from touching my friends." I didn't squirm in Darren's hold I knew it would be pointless. He let me go after a while and sat back down on his chair.

"You know maybe I will" I just looked at him with his smile, I think I just made a horrible mistake now instead of killing me he wants to turn me.

I went back to sitting on the floor looking down I didn't feel like being noticed anymore although I was the most important thing in this room right now.

Richard came in from the other room. "It is nightfall now and they shouldn't be too long." Richard was speaking in his more confident voice now and it sickened me.

"Yes let us set up now and be ready for when they get here."

 Everyone was getting up. When I looked up I saw Darren's arm reaching me, I pulled back only to hit the couch. He grabbed my shoulder and threw me up. He pushed me to the door and everyone else got out of the way.

This would be it I would stare into the eyes of the vampires I grew to trust and they would watch me die or transform. This is a day I never imagined in my life even when I lived in my second village I always believed I would guard them and keep them safe from vampires.

Darren only went a few feet away from the house when he grabbed me around my neck and pulled me in by my waist. He kept my arms locked to my sides and even if I tried kicking him, the angle I am it wouldn't do much damage. I was also facing the trees waiting and watching for someone to come out of the darkness. The others took places around him. Some hid in the trees and others in the shadows. Richard stayed behind Darren. He was brave to even show his face as soon as Drake sees his face I can't see him lasting long.

We stood there for at least an hour before they heard footsteps coming. I couldn't hear them but everyone getting into a ready stance gave it away.

"Brother," I heard Darren whisper it but I am sure Drake heard it.

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