Chapter 8: Mom

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Someone was banging at the door. At this time I have been up for about an hour. There were even clothes in the dresser I was able to change into black pants and a blue shirt although the shirt fitted me well it showed a lot of skin around my shoulders.

I opened the door and the boy was there smiling.


"For what?" he grabbed my hand and we headed down the hallway to a room filled with people and food! I could feel my stomach it was growling loudly I'm surprised no one heard it.

We headed to a line of people and he passed me a tray. "Hey what's your name?"


"Well, then good morning Tyler, or night..." He smiled up at me and started to put food on his tray. Everything looked good. Some stuff I recognized but some of it didn't look right. I grabbed some eggs and meat some bread and milk. We went and sat down on a bench with three other people.

"Hello, Tyler, who's your new friend?" It was an older lady. She wore all white and her face would look very pretty if she didn't look so tired.

"This is Violet she came with that Richard guy." Everyone at the table stopped eating.

"Why didn't they sell you with the rest of your village?" Did this guy have a death wish? He was probably a little older than me and had that I'm-better-than-you attitude.

"Kevin! Ignore him he just thinks he's better than everyone because Lord Drake lets him do important filing." That would explain it.

"I think Lord Drake fancy's her." Kevin started to laugh and the lady's eyes went wide. I looked down at Tyler. If Drake fancy's me then he also must fancy death.

"Tyler you have too much imagination." The older lady said while going back to her food.

"Yea I mean common Tyler why would he fancy a human, especially a... well a non-civilized one?"

"I don't know but if he's willing to mark her so early on then there must be a reason." I nearly choked on my food.

"Ok Tyler can we stop talking about this." Everyone went silent and ate their food. The elder lady was probably right Tyler does have too much imagination because the last time I checked the only reason I'm here is because of Richard.

A bell rang that startled me a bit then everyone started getting up. "Where are you all going?"

"It's time to go to work it will be fully nighttime soon."

"That's right and I got some very important filing to do." Kevin then marched off.

"What should I do?"

"You can probably go back to your room. Excuse me I have to get to work." Then Tyler left.

"Don't worry you will be fine." Then the elder lady followed Tyler out the doors.

Now, what do I do? There was that training ground outside. I started to get up until I noticed her again but she vanished through the doors too fast. I headed towards the doors and saw she was halfway down the hallway.

She was so beautiful with her short dark brown hair and tall lean body. Then she turned around and I knew instantly who she was. "Mom." She dropped what she had and she covered her mouth with her hands. She knew who I was too. Every problem seemed to vanish it was like I was young again with no worries. I was just about to walk toward her.

"Violet!" I turned around only to see Damien the vampire from yesterday and he had two others with him. What the hell do they want?

"I'm kind of busy right..." I turned back around but she was gone. I felt a bit of abandonment in me now. Then Damien's friends grabbed each one of my arms. I tried to throw them out of their grasp but it was pointless.

"Now, now no reason to be like that, we're just going to take you somewhere special to give you what you deserve."

"Why do I have the feeling that what I deserve and what you think I deserve are two completely different things." He had a giant smile on his face if I had my blades these three would be dead in minutes.

We walked past several people but no one seemed to care or notice that he was dragging me off to my death at least that's what it seemed like. We went through a lot of different hallways, no surprise this building seemed to be built in hallways. Then we came to some stairs. As we went down them the stairs spiraled down and I could tell we were heading towards a dungeon.

Richard told me a lot of gruesome stories about dungeons and how they would lock you up for days not feeding you and rats would eat you alive and how there were many different types of torture chambers.

It was getting darker and colder as we went down. When we finally hit the bottom there were a couple of cells, a hanging bird cage but much too large to be for a bird, chains hanging from everywhere, and a lot of different toys like whips and different-looking knives. We went into a side archway that was a plain stoned wall room with chains hanging down from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

"So what your going to torture me now because I killed some of your men, maybe it should be the other way around you're the one that tore apart my entire village."

"Actually it was Lord Drake who tore your precious village apart and yes I do believe you should be tortured for the vampires you killed."

Then he looked at his two buddies "Make sure you step on her feet so she won't kick you away." I glared at him until he left the room. They chained my hands up then stepped away I swung my leg out and kicked the side of one of them who then spun around looking pissed.

"Lord Drake should have never kept you here." He came around the corner with a long whip, "Because now he leaves you to a very painful death."

"He keeps me here, alive so that Richard will do his bidding for him."

"Well, you can't please them all." Then he cracked the whip at my lower back which stung enough to make me grunt.

"That's only the beginning." Then he did it two more times, each time getting harder and harder, which made me scream.

"There's no point in screaming no one will hear you."

"On the contrary, I can hear her quite well." Nicholas came out with red in his eyes.

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