Chapter 5: Four years later

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Four years later...

A lot has happened in the last four years I have grown physically and mentally. There was a historian here and he had a lot of books and stories from past generations. I even learned what this thing time was. I could feel a smile creep up, back then I promised myself I would become stronger and now I am the strongest guardian here and probably the only one that has seen a vampire. Even though they weren't dangerous but I did get to see their speed and made sure my speed and reaction time was as quick as it could be and I'm still getting faster. I let my hair grow long and it was still a very beautiful auburn color and I had a good shape backed up with good strength.

I was halfway up a tree patrolling my area. My hearing was a lot more acute and my night vision was a lot sharper now. I also turned pale from also being in the dark all the time except for the evenings when I trained. Then I would go to work and patrol my area then sleep.

I could see Jason approaching, to think he and I started at the same time and I could kick his ass anytime. He was probably just coming to see if I got lazy and fell asleep. He was always trying to see if he could beat me in something.

"You know I thought guardians were supposed to guard not sleep." I knew it.

"I am, I just don't have the need to be on my feet because there is nothing coming."

"How could you be certain?"

I lifted a finger "Do you hear that?"

"The birds?"

"Exactly" I put my finger back down "beside its almost daylight no vampire would attack now and if a dangerous animal was around I would be able to hear them."

I decided to lean over and look at him he was wearing his usual black pants and green shirt the usual guardian clothes with his staff. I liked my double swords but I wore all black even though vampires can see in the dark very well it still gave me a better advantage. My clothing was also tight fitting so nothing would blow around and I would have better movement. Then, of course, I had one small blade around my upper arm and one around each one of my thighs, never know when you might need back up they were also good as throwing knives.

I jumped down from the tree in front of Jason he was a bit taller than me and had very dark brown eyes. "We should start heading back the bells are about to ring." Right then the bell went off and I started to walk back to our base and Jason followed beside me.

"So Violet umm... isn't tomorrow the day of you're..." I could hear in his voice he didn't want to finish but it was true tomorrow was my fourth year anniversary being here.

"It's ok Jason, and yes it is."

We entered the guardians building it was set up with tables on each side one with a row of food and another with the council waiting for our report of tonight.

I walked up to one of the council. She was a young woman with long red hair. "Tonight was fine nothing unusual."

"Thank you, Violet." She wrote something down and I walked around. There was some good bread and butter on the other side.

"Violet!" oh great it was Bruce he was tall with short hair full of rules and thought he was the boss of everyone.

"What is it, Bruce?"

"You're not starting to get lazy on the job now. I saw u laying in the tree. Or are you sulking about your poor past?" Just one hit right in the face and it would make my day.

Death or DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora