Chapter 19: Lord Darren

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"If you're going to kill me then why don't you do it now?" He got the horse to go forward and I fell backward and just sat there even if I did get out of the cage he would be much faster than me.

"You're not for me sweetie you're for my Lord."

"Let me guess you work for Darren." I could see a smirk just on the side of his face.

"Yes and oh does he want to meet you, the one who softened his brother's heart." My eyes went wide does he know of the prophecy? Just like he could read my mind he answered. "We have an insider and of course, I was planned at the very beginning." Drake has a trader, why was I so blind? I should have known it must have been Ace he's the only new person and it would explain why he's so strong.

"He's going to be meeting up with us on the path." I sat against the side of the cage. What's going to happen to me, is Darren going to turn me or kill me?

We traveled for a while until I saw someone up ahead waiting on their horse although it didn't look like Ace once we got closer I thought my world has shattered he couldn't be...

"Richard!" he looked down at me and smiled.

"Why hello Violet nice to see you" I was speechless he didn't seem dazed or anything, he was completely confident.

"You did good Demon let's go before my distraction starts to fade although even by the time they're finished it will be daylight." Not only was he confident he was a leader! I was being betrayed by the only person that would take me in.

"Richard how could you betray your whole family." He laughed a very evil laugh and it sickened me.

"I was never part of your little family I have always worked for Lord Darren."

"So let me guess this whole prophecy, it was just a made-up story."

"No it is true but we thought we should keep you in our dungeon while Lord Darren goes out and kills Lord Drake." This wasn't the Richard I grew up with this was a much evil and sinister Richard. "Look at it this way it's either one or the other so either way in the end only one will rule."

"So you have been planning this since I strolled into that village."

"Yes, as soon as you walked into the village and told me of your past I knew you were the one and I just had to wait for the right time to mention the prophecy to Lord Drake and everything fell through."

"Don't worry cutie he won't hurt you... much." They both laughed out loud and all I could do was pull my legs in, something I haven't done since I was young.

I saw a little home up ahead it was about two floors maybe a basement and there was a shed on the side. The sun was going to rise soon and they must have noticed because they got into a higher speed. He parked right in front of the house and another vampire came out, it was that one from the woods. So they didn't kill him. He licked his lips and came to help Demon.

"It's about time you got here Demon any longer and you would have cooked in the sun."

"Shut up Eaton, get over here and help me." I could either behave or holler and scream. All I really had to do was stay outside till daybreak.

"Be careful you two she's not the most gentle and she knows how to throw a punch." Richard watched on the sidelines probably knowing if I caught him I would break his neck.

Demon unlocked the door and I got up. Eaton came into the cage. "I missed that scent." He took my arm and dragged me out and as soon as I hit the first step I pushed him back and jumped out he actually let go he must have not expected it. Demon was in my way and Eaton was right behind me.

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