moving in

250 4 1

Brent and ben lived in a apartment

In the apartment

Br- you down to invite amp over?

B- sure why not I have nothing else to do

Br- ok well I'll call them over

Brent calls them over and they all agree to go

Br- ok They are coming over

B- alright do you think they would be down to have a sleepover?

Br- umm I'll ask them

He calls them and asks them and they all say yes

Br- yeah they are down

B- ok lets set up a movie night

Well they where setting up the movie night

B- so brent find anyone you might be interested in😏

Br- um no why did you ask🤨

B- no reason it's just that you've been single for a long time now. Like it's been 5 years

Br- whatever I've come to conclusion that it's better to stay single that way I can focus on my future

B- but you have lots of money already and your financially stable

Br- I kno-

*ding dong*

Br- I'll get it

Everyone- heyyy

Br- hey so glad you guys made it, come in

Lr- like I wasn't already gonna come in 🙄

Br- how rude

Lr- just kidding

They all go sit in the living room and ben sits next to lexi

Br- break. It. Up

Lr&b- relax

Br- no I'm good

A- yo what movie should we watch?

J- Christmas movie?

D- Im Down

Aln- I mean why not

They were in the middle of watching a movie then they heard a loud thump outside in the hallway

Br- I'll check

Brent went outside and saw that a girl dropped all her stuff on the floor

Br- omg need help

???- omg yes please

Brent went over and was helping her pick her stuff up

Br- are you new here?

???- umm yeah how'd you know?

Br- I've just never seen you around here before

???- oh well yeah I'm just moving closer to where I can pursue my dreams

Br- what's your dream?

???- to be a YouTuber/actor

Br- oh wow cool you know I'm a youtuber so I could help you out with that

???- wow that's cool

Br- maybe we could collab?

???- yeah sure I would like that

As she was about to walk away

Br- wait I didn't catch you name

???- oh my names pierson yours?

Br- brent, brent rivera

P- well nice to meet you brent

Br- nice to meet you to pierson

P- it's crazy how we had a hole conversion and we didn't know eachothers name

Br- I know right I don't do that with a lot of people

P- me nithier

Br- so about that collab what apartment number are you?

P- A1 you?

Br-  A2 omg yours is right across from mine

P- oh well thats cool

Br- yeah I guess we will be seeing eachother a lot then

P- I guess so


Br- oh my friend is calling me but nice to meet you

P- nice to meet you to bye

Br- bye

Then they both went into there apartments

A- so who's the girl????

Br- oh idk I just met her

Lh- that conversion you had didn't seem like that

Br- well it's true

B- I guess so lets just watch the movie

They continued to watching movie.


I am VERY tired it's 12:51 on a school night so ima head to bed but anyways night luvvies💗💟💙💓❣💗💙💖

Word count: 592

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