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Pierson ran into her apartment and started bawling her eyes out

Em- pierson is that you?

Emmer went into the hallway just to find pierson crying

Em- what happend? Did brent do something?

Pierson nodded

Em- omfg ima literally fuck him up

P- no please dont

Em- can you atleast tell me what he said?

P- okay fine

They both sat on the couch

P- i went over to apologize for running off then he said he dosent forgive me then i asked him why then he said because im to picky and complicated.

then i told him about leading us on then he said it wasn't his fault that he can't control his emotions then he asked me why i was there if i only came to give trouble

then i asked if we where still friends then he said no then he told me to leave. And now i dont know what to do

Em- its okay hes just being a dick which is weird because he dosent have one

P- dont be mean to him he dosent deserve it

Em- Are. You. Kidding?

P- im serious

Em- he hurt you and you where trying to be the bigger person and say sorry and he couldn't even accept it. Thats bitchy

P- ik but to me hes still my friend

Em- and to add the cherry on top you still care about him. Idc what you say im going to talk to him about this

P- no please don't

Emmer put her finger on Pierson's lips

Em- look its sweet and all that you still care but i don't so im gonna humble him for you

P- fine but just be nice thats all i ask because two wrongs don't make it right

Em- yeah but im not going anywhere until i know your okay

P- i am i promise

Em- I'll stay with you until im sure of that

They got blankets and layed down on the couch till the group called them (without brent)

Pierson answered

J- you good pierson?

P- yeah

Lh- okay we just wanted to make sure and is emmer there with you?

P- yeah she slept over

Lr- not to be rude but i thought you hated her

P- yeah but it was really late and i felt bad

Lr- oh okay

They kept on talking till pierson fell asleep

Emmers pov

Its not okay that Pierson's hurt because of him. Especially since she didn't do anything wrong. So ima go over and have a little "talk"

Emmer got ready and and went over to brents house

Br- hi emmer i have something to tell you

Em- i have something to say too but you go first

Br- okay i like you and I went to take our friendship to the next level

Em- hold up your basically confessing your "feelings" for me?

Br- mhm

Em- i thought you liked pierson

Br- things didn't go to well

Em- haha no are you dumb? You can't take her on a date and just because she wasn't ready to date you, dosent mean you can come to me and think im gonna like you. You need to be humbled. You literally helped her get over her abusive ex, went on trips together and bonded and because she wasn't ready your gonna end that friendship? So many people would die for a relationship like yours and Pierson's. Thats so childish of you. If you really loved her you would respect the fact that shes not ready and be by her side. THEN YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO TELL ME YOU LIKE ME! WELL I DONT LIKE YOU

Br- ...

Em- ofc your speechless and are you aware that you left pierson crying

Br- yeah

Em- are you proud of that?

Br- no

Em- then why'd you do it?

Br- idk

Em- you don't know that but you know the right words to say to make her cry? Alright I'll remember that

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