lexi you need to leave

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Piersons phone rang

P- hold on

She picked it up

P- oh yeah that was fun

She laughed

Em- um pierson we were in the middle of something

P- oh yeah sorry, brent i got to go. Talk to you later?

She started laughing 

P- okay bye!

She hung up

Em- what were you guys talking about?

P- oh it was nothing

Em- but you were laughing a lot

P- okay hes just very funny thats no biggie 

Em- okay if you say so but back to what i was saying 

She cleard her throat

Em- Pierson you hold a very special part in my heart and i appreciate you and i cant wait to call you mine so Pierson Alexa wodzynski will you go on a date with me?

P- ofc ill go out with you Emmer!

Pierson hugged her then they kissed

EM- great because i was so worried that you would say no

P- i would never

She smiled. They watched the stars then went back to the hotel

P- this was one of the best Disneyland trips ever

Em- it was my first

P- oh really? why didn't you tell me???

Em- idk i just never thought to

P- you should have because i could of made sure that it was the best first time ever

Em- you already did because you were here with me

P- what can i say im a charm if i do say so myself

Em- agre-

*knock knock*

P- ill get it!

She opend the door and it was brent

P- hii brent!!!

Br- hii you look so happy what happend

P- umm what are you trying to say? im always happy

Br- yeah but not that happy

P- whatever your just a hater

Pierson rolled her eyes then they laughed

P- anyways what going on?

Br- the group was meeting in my room for a bit do you guys wanna come?

P- sure i dont see why not

Br- okay see you there 

P- alright

 They hugged

Brent left

P- ugh hes great

Em- um pierson dont you think that its a bit late?

P- yeah but its only for a little we wont stay to long i promise

Em- fine

Emmer and pierson went to brents room

P- hi everyone

Everyone said hi except lexi

P- looks like someone has an attitude

Pierson sat on the bed while emmer sat on the floor 

J- what did you and emmer do today?

P- oh we just went on some rides nothing to out of mind

Em- really?

P- yeah

Em- oh

Brent sat beside pierson

Br- lexi why dont you say sorry to emmer?

Lr- because i said what i said brent 

P- lexi i know your opinion was very strong but it came off really rude and made emmer cry

Lr- that just shows that shes weak with or without my commentary

P- jeez lexi why do you make it so hard for people to talk to you

Lr- i dont make it hard you guys just dont want to hear the truth. hows that my fault?

P- because your truth is cruel thats why

Lr- that just means that you guys are cruel so once again not my fault

P- lexi dont do this

Lr- do what pierson? im stating my opinion whats so wrong with that

P- whats wrong with it is that your hurting peoples feelings

Br- lexi i know you want me and pierson to be together but it just didn't work out she found emmer and ig they are happy together you cant throw a fit because of that

Lr- im not throwing a fit but pierson you are going to regret dating that dirt bag trust me

Lexi got up 

Lr- your dead meat to me emmer

 Lh- lexi stop because if anyone was talking to you like that you would feel bad

Lr- no i wouldn't because i would have thrown hands already but because emmers a pussy she wont

J- wth is going on today?

A- lexi sit down

Lr- no because im waiting

Em- lexi i dont want to hurt you okay? just sit down and stop getting on my nerve 

Lr- your nerve? i can get on your nerve if you really want me too so whats up lets go

she walked up closer to emmer then emmer stood up

(they were almost the same height emmer was just a bit taller)

 Lr- lets go

Em- lexi im not putting my hands on you because if i do its going to get wicked

Lr- the only thing thats wicked is that you think that you will end up with pierson

Em- lexi i dont care what you have to say because at least im nice to people

Lr- at least im not a girlfriend stealer

Em- ofc your not your straight! And at least i can make a move unlike you crushing on andrew

Lr- well at least my parents dont abuse me

Emmer had a look of defeat on her face

Lr- exactly

the rest of the group stood up

A- okay lexi you need to go

Lr- i was leaving anyways. no one wants to stay here with that hoe

Lexi left

P- emmer im so sorry i never knew she was going to act up like that or else i would've never made you come



Dont worry guys brierson is gonna come back and later on lexi wont seem so mean.

Words: 816

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