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pierson and emmer went back to the hotel. They both took a seat on the couch

P- im sorry about lexi i dont know whats gotten into her

Em- no i get it she dosent want us to be together

P- what! Emmer i bet thats not why shes upset

Em- she literally dosent want us to be together

P- Emm-

Em- and you know that. She said it herself that she wants you to be with brent

P- I know but its not up to her if i want to be with him

Em- what if she convinces you to be with him what then?

P- Don't worry Emmer that's not going to happen and I promise even if my feelings do you grow for Brent I will not leave you in the dust like that. I'll just talk to her for you

Em- no please don't talk to her

P- why not?

Em-  it will only make things worse like I'm crying over nothing

P- but you're not crying over nothing your feelings are hurt

Em- I know but she didn't like me from the beginning and telling her that i was crying doesn't seem like it's going to help

P- it's okay you have emotions and you can show them I'm not going to judge you for that

Em- I know but she might

P- why do you keep on caring about what she has to say?

Em- because it's Lexi she always talks about how she doesn't like me in front of my face so clearly she thinks I'm a wimp

P- you're not a wimp Emmer stop talking about yourself like that I think Lexi just had her head way too in the clouds and if im being completly honest I don't even think that I still romantically like brent so it's okay

Em- is it though

P- yes it is I am here for you and I promise that

Em- Thank you

P- of course and do you want to cuddle with me?

Em- cuddle with you?

P- yeah

Em- really? you want me to cuddle with you

P-  I mean why not

Em- finally my dreams are coming true

P- haha Emmer you're funny

Em- I know I am

Emmer layed on piersons chest

Em- a lot comfier then i imagined

P- you Imagine This?

Em- Duh! you haven't?

P- not really. Its not that i cant imagine cuddling with you its just that i dont do that stuff

Em- ehh were all diffrent

P- yk if you dont want to go back we dont have to

Em- no i couldn't do that to you. Im pretty sure you wanna go after all this is your favorite poace in the world

P- it is but you can't keep thinking about me. Its about you now

Em- i dont like talking about myself

P- and thats okay but in this case you need to take care of yourself

Em- fine

P- so where not going back to the park today

Em- i guess so

P- how about we go to sleep and then go at 9:00 so we get 2 hours before the place closes

Em- okay

They talked and then Emmer fell asleep

Piersons pov

I love Emmer and i care about her a lot and i wouldn't wish anything bad on her. I care about her alomst a bit to much. I do have to agree that lexi took it to far and im pretty upset that she made Emmer cry but at the same time apart of me is happy that Emmer cried because it shows that shes comfortable around me and that means the world to me.

Pierson kissed Emmer. And Emmer blushed

P- your awake??!??!!!?

Em- did you just kiss me!

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