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Br- why are you here?

???- I'm just here to say hi

P- twan I don't think you need to

Tw- what's wrong I've changed

P- ok that's good but I just think we shouldn't be in touch...

Tw- are you okay?

P- yeah I'm fine its just that you've put me through a lot and although it's nice you came to check up on me I don't think you should

Tw- why? don't you miss us together?

He tried to hold her hand but she brushed him off

Pierson pulled brent up to her

P- you see there was never an us and I have a boyfriend now

Br- boyfriend? Oh yeah im her boyfriend

Tw- oh so you don't pick me but you pick the boy who helped you with books one time

P- yeah he's nicer he's handsome and he's helped me through this hole thing

Tw-.... so there's no us

Br- no twan you guys are done now if you mind we where up to something

Brent leand into pierson to "kiss" her

Tw- oh umm I'm gone thats uncorfotable  for me

Twan left

*brent and pierson did not kiss*




Everybody- AHHHHHH
(even the boys)

Br- guys we are just friends

P- yeah were just friends...

J- let's do a vote who wants them to kiss raise your hand

Everybody raises there hand exsept for brent and pierson

J- okay we won kiss

Br- fine for all of you guys to shut up we'll kiss

They both lean in and swerve eachother

P- sorry guys but it's just not gonna happen

Br- yeah we don't like eachother like that

P- and we are perfectly fine as friends

Lr- mhm I don't believe it😒

Lh- me nither

A- mhm

J- whatever can we just eat

Br- okay

A waiter comes over and they take there orders and they start to eat

Lh- pierson  1-10 that you won't feed brent some of your rice

P- okay three two one

Lh&p- 3

Lh- now you have to feed brent some of your rice

P- whatever

She puts the rice in brent mouth

Lr- aww how cute🥰

Br- lexi it's not gonna happen again 🙄

Lr- mhm

Br&p- let's go home

B- brierson moment

Everybody finishes there food and they all go to brents house

Br- pierson it's my birthday on Saturday and I'm throwing a party would you like to come?

P- yeah sure I'd love to

Br- okay I'll text you the details

They all hangout till they all have to leave

Pierson goes to her apartment and flops  on her bed

Pierson's pov

Do I like brent? No I think it's just because of today's binding I think thats all. There's no way I could fall in love with him hes just any ordinary friend right?
I mean yes, yes he is

Brent's pov

(He's on his bed too)
I dont know but when me and pierson leaned in to kiss eachother I felt something. Do I have some hidden feelings? No she's just a friend and it's gonna stay like that.


happy remembrance day 🤺🤺❤❤

Word count: 551

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