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P- hold on brent we cant do that anymore

Br- do what?

P- what we just did we can't look at eachother like that

Br- like what? Do you think that's too flirty

P- yeah.. its ju-

Br- i know you and emmer are together  so we can't gaze into eachothers eyes anymore

He sighed

P- why do you sound disappointed about that?

Br- because i am but its alright

P- wait why are you disappointed

Br- no its just something that we used to do all the time and we never thought anything of it but now that you have a girlfriend that has to stop

P- that's true

Br- but im not poor like that so if I have to act like jeremy in order for you and emmer to work out then so be it

P- no dont be like jeremy. Hes just a brother to me. But your more then just a brother brent. Your not my bestfriend but your not my brother. I feel like were way closer

Br- yeah same for you

They went silent

P- should i talk to emmer about what happend?

Br- ask her if she wants to talk and if she says yes then go for it but if she days no then just wait a bit because you dont want to sound like a burdden

P- thanks Brent

Br- no problem. Should we call lexi and confront her?

P- i really dont want to start any problems

Br- shes the one who started them first

P- brent dont start stuff we've talked about this. We will just do it tomrrow how about that?

Br- ughh okay. But apart of me is worried for her tho. Like i have no idea where she is

P- that's true but what about her snap location

Br- she's going through one of her petty phases and she blocked all of us

P- ofc she did

Br- its not a surprise to be honest

P- yeah im pretty sure we saw it coming

Br- yeah i guess. I bet you and emmer dont have conversations like this

P- i dont get it. Are you supporting me or are you trying to get with me?

She smiled

Br- maybe both

He winked at her

P- ewww

Brent started laughing

Br- im just kidding and dont act like you weren't all up on me before emmer came

P- key words "before emmer" and plus you liked her at one point too so you know shes hot

Br- hey im not gonna lie emmer you know she's cute

P- your calling my girlfriend cute?

Br- your the one who brung it up and its good that she's cute because i can't just let you date someone ugly. Your dating history cant stop with me and my good looks

He flipped his hair

P- first of all i dont think we were ever dating

Br- what are you on about

P- if you think a couple of make-out sessions was us dating i got news for you

Br- your joking?

P- its called a situationship

Br- i saw that coming

P- you should've because you didn't ask me to be your girlfriend. A Little tip For your future relationships maybe you should try asking her to be your girlfriend instead of trying to get in their pants

Br- i did not try and get into your pants

P- well your right you didn't try because you did

Br- okay at least i did what about you and emmer? You can't even manage

P- um yes i could let's be so for real

Br- mhm the second she initiates something i bet your going to start panicing

P- okay and your not wrong i will panic but like why wouldn't I? So yeah i would be a hot mess for emmer

Br- make sure you call me after

P- ofc i will

They looked at eachother

P- we should go inside its getting cold

Br- good idea

They both went inside

Lh- so how was the talk?

P- much needed

Br- agreed

P- but im going to head back to my room

They all said bye and she left

A- brent my man you need to get over her. She dosent look at you like that anymore

Br- i know im trying

_________________________________________ A/N



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