why do i have to be like this..

109 3 2

* this means someones pov

Skip a month

Everyone was at amp

Lh- pierson i found this guy online and i think you guys would make a good couple

P- guy?

Lh- yeah guy who else?

Lr- i still have hope in brierson

Pierson stared at her

Lr- oh sorry

J- so to be clear Brents done like hes in the mud rn

B- from what ive seen in the past month or so yes..

Br- wow thanks guys

Em- This is akward lets all go to the mall

They all went to the mall and started walking around

Lh- we should start looking for men for you Pierson and both me and women for Emmer

P- men?

Em- are you still not over brent?
Common girl get a grip. And i wont be needing your guy's help in the love departement i already have a crush on someone

Pierson's pov
Im way over brent its just that i dont really like when people pair me up with guys

Br- who do you like?

Em- you guys know them

A- girl or guy?

Em- girl so dont get your hopes up brent

P- in the group?

Em- mhm

She likes a girl in our group! That means she could like me! Why do i feel like this? I feel a blush coming on my face

Lh- pierson why are you blushing?

P- oh um nothing

They finish shopping and go back to amp

B- everyone upstairs exsept for brent and pierson

They all went upstairs

B- okay so me and andrew made a surprise date for brent and pierson

Em- brent and pierson?

A- yeah ever since you came out bi im pretty sure his feelings for pierson has increased

B- so i was thinking we give them head phones so they can say what we tell them to

J- so the girls with pierson and the boys with brent

Lh- do we have to get pierson ready?

A- no just bring her to the place

Lr- what place?

B- the restaurant we'll send you the location

J- put your hands in people

They all put their hands in the middle

Everyone but Em- Save brierson

*they got pierson and brent ready and brought them to the restaurant then they hid in a decor bush*

It was quiet

Br- look umm.. pierson im sorry, i know ive messed with your feelings and im sorry for that. Im not in love with Emmer i relised shes not the one for me

P- w-what made you change your mind?

A- tell her all the stuff you like about her and not emmer

Br- well Emmer and me dont agree and a lot of stuff and me you do. When im around you i get nervous, my heart pounds really fast

P- oh well thats cute ig

Lr- pierson what are you doing are you not into this

P- i mean yeah i feel the same way

Br- are you okay? You've been acting different

P- no im fine

Br- oh okay

They ate and then they kept talking

J- lean in brent!

B- go in for the smooch!

Br- pierson?

P- yeah?

He leaned in then pierson leaned in too

Lr- finally

Just when they where about to kiss pierson pulled away

P- im sorry b-but i can't

She ran out the restaurant

Em- what a relief

Lh- what did you say?

Em- i mean aww that sucks

Pierson ran away to the beach (her get away place) and sat on a bench

Piersons pov

I can't kiss him. Something dosent feel right. I dont even think im attracted to him. I dont even think i like guys but at the same time I can't love anybody else but them or else I'll be such a disappointment to my parents. Why do i have to be like this...

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