lexi calm down

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*When they got back to amp*

They all sat in the living room

Em- lexi isn't here right??

Lh- I don't think so, she would've ran downstairs by now

Em- I dont know why I feel so threatened by her like I don't think she would actually hit me Right?

S- who knows

Em- I didn't even do anything to her tho that's literally the problem she dosent like me for no reason

Lr- I don't like you for multiple reasons Emmer

Lexi came downstairs

Lr- and you pierson you know your dad would never approve of you being apart of this

She waved her hand at them

Lr- it's all bullshit emmer isn't a good person and I have proof of that. I dont understand why you would even trust her she's basically a stranger

P- she's not a stranger lexi

Lr- well for you she's not because nobody makes out with a stranger

P- lexi

Lr- honestly you think im just being rude when in reality I'm worried for you

P- she's not a threat lexi

Lr- yes she is and when she ruins everything you guys built I'm not gonna be apart of it

A- well can we see this "proof" you claim you have?

Lr- yeah it's on tape so give me a second

Emmer left

J- why on tape and not video?

Lr- because who would think to look for evidence on tape?

J- ahh that's actually smart

Lr- I know I got brains

Lexi left and Emmer ran back

P- jeez ba-emmer why are you so out of breath?

Em- a bug and I'm deathly scared of bugs

P- Dammit now who's gonna kill the bug in my shower

Em- you should've thought about that before you said yes, now give me a kiss

Pierson pushed her face away and shook her head

Lh- it's okay we won't watch

P- were not going to kiss

J- we already know it's Emmer

P- it's not

Pierson took emmer by her collar into the kitchen and she stood against the wall with her arms crossed

P- are you trying to get us caught?

Em- no but you can kiss me now that were in private

P- fine but don't ask for kisses infront of them

Em- got it

Emmer put her hand on Pierson's chin and they made out

Br- damn who finished the milk?

They both separated and he pulled the milk carton out the fridge

Br- what a shame

P- brent...

Br- I know I won't tell im not a snitch

P- thank you

Em- so no one finished the milk?

Br- no I just wanted to make my presence known btw lexi is back so let's go

They all came back

Lr- okay but who the fuck ruined the fucking tape!?!?! It was probably you emmer because you left before I went to get it

Br- there's no proof that that's true

Lr- but It makes sence because as soon as I said I had proof on a tape she went and ruined it

P- lexi stop

Lr- pierson I had proof right there! Why won't you believe me!

P- fine lexi what did she do?

Em- yeah

Lr- she was talking shit about all of you guys and she was snooping around

Em- HUH when?!?!!?!??!

Lr- on the fucking tape!!!

Em- mhm you broke it last minute so you would have no fucking proof

Lr- I'm done! Pierson if you want to go sleep with emmer that's your choice but your going to regreat it and im going to prove it

Lexi started walking to the door when pierson ran after her and grabbed her arm

P- stop your shit lexi, I never said I wanted to hook up with her in the first place. I dont know why your out to get emmer and yes I know you claim to have "proof" but until I see proof im not listening to your bulshit because so far the only thing coming out from your mouth is fucking lies


P- and I don't know why your being so mean to me like I did shit in the first place because I know damn well that you don't have a tape of me being a little shit! I don't get how what happens with me and emmer effects you. If we sleep together it wouldn't effect you because your not in the fucking bed lexi

Lr- I'm just trying to make sure she doesn't use you pierson. It fucking hurts and I don't want you to go through that. And you can't tell me that your not dating all you want but I know you guys are

Lexi was on the verge of tears

P- are you sad?

Lr- NO im upset because you guys aren't listening!!!!

P- okay well we can talk one on one when you have time to calm down

Lexi pushed pierson off of her and left

Em- she just wants you to feel bad for her

P- emmer don't piss me off

Em- aww are you mad?

Emmer hugged pierson from behind

P- stop, im not playing with you

Em- are you mad?

P- emmer I'll spend time with you later

J- spend time huh

He winked

B- you guys are making it so obvious

J- just confirm ittttt

P- well...



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