breaking up

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B- I'm home and I brought company

Lr- hey brent- who's that?

Br- pierson

Lr- oh yeah forgot sorry, hi pierson

P- hello

Lh- hi pierson

P- hi

Lr- not to be rude but is she here for any pacific reason?

Br- uhh yeah but I don't know if she wants to share

Lh- oh that's fine

P- no its okay I'll share

B- alright story time!

They all sit on the couch

P- okay so basically I have a boyfriend his name is twan and we had a good relationship at the beginning and then out of nowhere He started to be abusive not physically but mentally

Lh- what did he do?

P- well he started to call me bad names, throw my food on the floor, not care about my opinions or care about what I had to say and he is really overly protective over me

Br- true me and pierson where at the beach and he thought she was cheating on him with me

P- yeah HE literally showed up and I didn't even give him my location and the reason why I'm Here today is because we had a fight yesterday and he said we would talk about it today and we didn't then he called me useless so I told him I won't be back because I'm busy running erans

B- oh well  sorry that happened to you pierson

Lh- yeah let's have a sleepover

Br- great idea

They all get into pjs and they all try to bake a cake

*ding dong*

Brent went to the door and opened it

Tw- I know Pierson's here

Br- no she's not

Tw- then why's her bag on your couch 🤨

Br- okay she is but what do you want

Tw- can I talk to her?

Br- no, your abusive

Tw- no I'm not

Br- yes you are she told me every thing you do to her

Tw- okay well let me talk to her

Br- only if I'm there

Tw- fine

Br- ben pierson come here

They go to brent and ben stands with brent ready to attack twan if he pulls anything while talking to pierson

Tw- hello my love

P- hi... what do you want😒

Tw- I want to break up with you

P- you want to what 😥

Tw- break up..

P- but why?

Tw- you don't respect me at all

P- yes I do

Pierson began to cry

P- twan I put a hundred percent into are relationship and you dump me, why, I love you

Tw- pierson you are literally are so wierd, you know your mental health means a lot to me and I can't control myself when I mean to you I can't stand seeing you so miserable, that's why it's better for us to be apart

P- but twan

Tw- no buts this time my bags are packed, I'm so sorry goodbye love

He pulled her in for a kissed and left and pierson fell to the floor on her knees well crying

And everybody ran up to her

Lh- it's okay pierson

Lr- yeah don't worry that just means that you will be safe now

B- why did you like him anyways he's so mean

P- no He's not he just......needs some love

Br- pierson that dosent mean he needs yours

B- yeah there are plenty of other fish in the sea

Lr- yeah like brent

Br- don't try me

P- guys thanks for the support but I just want to be alone

She got up off the floor and went to her apartment


Umm yeah sorry for not posting on this story in a while but yeah that's all I have today bye luvvvies 💗❣💗💕💗❣💗

Word count: 632

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