The Lion Prince Chap.3

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 A Day Later....

It was now lunchtime, and you went to go eat lunch with Vil and the others, in which Epel also introduced you to his friends, Deuce Spade and Jack Howl, they were kind but had a tough demeanor about the both of them and Epel even revealed that Deuce used to be a delinquent, but he was now trying to mend his ways and become an honor student, 

Deuce let out a sigh, "I don't want my mom to worry about me, so I'll try my best to get better for her sake"

you smiled, "that's very Admirable,"

Deuce blushed a bit, "th...thank you Princess!"

you giggled a bit, "please just call me (Y/n)"

Epel laughed aloud but then from afar Vil looked his way, and so he stopped laughing while fixing his posture, you continued eating your lunch as Deuce even asked a few questions about your grandmother and how It was to grow up in a castle, in which you answered honestly telling that it was nice but your grandmother was very strict, especially after the death of your parents

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know...." said Epel

you shook your head, "It's alright, really"

just then you started feeling uncomfortable, as It was a hard subject to talk about so you finished eating and excused yourself, "It was nice meeting you both, Epel my apologies but I have to go for a bit"

"oh, alright see you later then"

you went to take your lunch tray back, just as Vil watched you leave the cafeteria and he wondered what was wrong with you, but he knew you when you needed space, you clutched your bag as you started walking through the halls, and without noticing you'd ended up outside of the school and right in front of what looked like a botanical garden

you were bewildered but curious, so you headed inside as you silently gasped while looking around at all the lush foliage, thinking It was really pretty inside and you looked to the ceiling of the dome as the sun shined through It, continuing to look all around as you walked deeper inside of the gardens, you started feeling better and you felt your mood lift some more

but just then without warning you heard what sounded like a roar of sorts, and you nearly jumped out of your skin as you placed a hand to your heart In fright, you had no idea where It came from and your mind even questioned if there was a magic beast there 

and you started to quickly leave but you felt something grip onto your wrist, and so you tried to break free as you screamed before doing the thing you were taught to do when attacked


and the person who held you stood stunned, his cheek stinging with a red mark and he let out a growl as he forcibly made you turn around so he could see who was so daring, In which he Immediately regretted using such force, and you regretted slapping him instantly 

you were face to face with a tall guy, with a well-muscled physic and he had tan skin with long brown hair that had two braids, his eyes were green as emeralds and there was a scar over one of his eyes, he had furry ears atop his head and his face was very handsome, almost like one you'd see In a portrait and he too was taken aback but you as well, he didn't expect you to be a girl and a stunning one at that 

a warmth came to your cheeks as the both of you just gazed at each other, that was until he cleared his throat before releasing your wrist "Sorry"

you stepped back, "oh, I...I should be apologizing more, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you It's just that I was frightened and...."

"I understand, kind of stepped on my tail"

you gasped, "oh I'm so sorry"

he ruffled his hair a bit, but then he curiously stepped closer to you and he gave you a sniff

"I smell magic on you, I've never seen you around here before"

you blushed, taken aback by his action "I...I'm a new student here"

"Oh, I see you must be that princess who's related to one of the great seven, the beautiful queen right?"

you nodded, "she's my grandmother, My name is (Y/n) Labelle of Pomefiore"

he looked elsewhere, "Got It so you're In Vil's dorm, Leona, Leona Kingscholar"

you smiled, "Nice to meet you, I've heard your name before you must be the second Prince of Afterglow savannah"

Leona sighed, "you know It well don't you"

you put your hands behind your back, looking around "I've never been to this part of the school before, It's so pretty here"

Leona let out a yawn, before he looked at you again "so, I'll let you off to hook for stepping on my tail"

"alright, but I'm really sorry again, is there anything I can do?"

Leona started thinking before he started to smirk, "Well, I do need another errand runner my current one is busy lately, you could help me out with a few things"

"errand runner? don't you mean an aid"

Leona paused, "uh, yeah that's what I mean"

you nodded In agreement, "Alright then, what things would you need me to do?"

Leona started thinking, "I don't know just ask Ruggie"


Leona sighed, "Ruggie Bucchi, he's a member of my dorm"

you started, "oh! you're a dorm leader,"

"Yeah, Savanaclaw"

Leona met your eyes again and he felt a strange warmth come onto his cheeks, and before he could say It he knew he was blushing, and cursed himself while he wondered why 

*What the hell*

Leona cleared his throat again, "Well...Lunch is almost over, you should probably skedaddle now"

you then realized, "oh that's right! I have a project to start with Jade"

"Jade? oh you mean the Eel bastard, you should watch yourself around him and his twin"

you smiled, "Thank you but I'm sure I'll be fine, Jade seems nice"

"Seems Is the word, but he and his brother are slippery"

you then looked at the red mark on his cheek, you stepped forward as you then lightly touched the area, In which Leona's ears went down and he was surprised, while feeling his heart speed

"what're you doing?" he asked

you took out your handkerchief, and you said a cold spell that you knew before casting It onto the cloth and you lightly touched his cheek with It, and upon contact Leona had to admit that It felt pretty nice on his still stinging cheek, 

"this'll help" you said

Leona was tense but then he relaxed, closing his eyes "Thanks, but I don't need It"

you shook your head, "I hit you, this is the least I could do"

after a while you removed the cloth from his cheek, and you tucked your handkerchief away back into your pocket, you then did a little bow of the head "I have to go now, but...whenever you need my help just ask for me"

you started away but he grabbed your hand quickly, "Hold on, I don't even have your number"

you then realized, "Oh that's right, I'm sorry"

you took out your phone from your other skirt pocket, and you traded numbers with him before you soon left the botanical garden, and Leona watched you as you left while he then let out another yawn thinking he'd go back to sleep, but then he rubbed his tail that you stepped on moments ago before he started thinking back on his decision, why did he make you his new Aid though the work he had Ruggie do wasn't hard, he respected ladies above all things but for some reason you struck his interest.

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now