To Sunset Savanna Chap.14

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A few hours after that Leona had sent you updates on what time to meet him In the mirror Chamber tomorrow morning, and you sent the Information to Silver as well who agreed to come along as It'd be a nice change of scenery, he also told Kifaji to arrange for your rooms at the palace who In turn was thrilled to hear that Leona was coming home but before Kifaji could say anything else Leona hung up on his as usual. The Next day after getting a night full of rest and excitement you got up and ready for the day before you packed the things you'd needed

just as you finished packing your suitcase Vil came to check on you, "(Y/n)?"

you turned, "Oh Good morning Vil"

"I heard about your leaving for a trip, I hope you have a good time" 

you smiled, "Thank you, I'll bring back something for you If I see something"

Vil shook his head, "No, No you're too sweet...besides you should enjoy yourself"

you zipped your suitcase closed, before standing up as you pulled the handle up as Vil looked you over with a gentle smile on his face "Also...I hope Kingscholar will be respectful to you"

"He always is Vil, don't worry"

Vil's cheeks became pink as he tried to think of what to say next but it escaped him, he just gave you a hug and you did your usual air kisses beside the cheek before you left your room, and Vil watched you go as he regretted not telling you just how much he adores you

as you walked down the quite gilded hallways of the dorm you pulled your suitcase along, leaving Pomefiore dorm as you exited the mirror, and once outside you saw Leona


you smiled, "good morning"

just then you saw the Diasomnia mirror glow as Silver stepped out with his things too

he seemed to be half asleep, "ZZZ...Sorry Good morning,"

you smiled and waved to him as he started to wake himself up more, Leona then gestured you to follow as he told the Magic Mirror to take you three to Sunset Savanna, and It glowed before it transported you all In a flash of white light and when the light was gone....

You found yourselves In front of a huge Fountain with beautiful sculptured animals, but your breath was taken as you looked all around at the bustling city all around

"Well...Welcome to old haunt" said Leona

you took out your sun hat and put It on, "It's so beautiful"

 "I wouldn't say beautiful" Leona Scoffed 

Silver shielded his eyes from the sun, "It's very hot too..."

"Yeah well It's like that, so be careful not to pass out or get a heat stroke"

just then you saw a black car pull up along with a few others, who seemed to be security just as a man emerged from the long black car, he was a older man with blue and white hair who wore a necklace of orange feathers but he himself seemed to be birdlike as well

the man walked up to you all, "Prince Leona welcome home I came to fetch you all here per your orders,"

Leona gestured, "This is Kifaji the royal Chamberlain"

you smiled as he turned to you, "Nice to meet you Kifaji, I'm (Y/n) Labelle"

Kifaji smiled with a bow, "Yes It's a pleasure to meet you Princess Labelle"

he then looked to Silver, "and who is this young man?"

"Silver, from Diasomnia It's nice to meet you Lord Chamberlain" replied Silver

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now