Rose Tarts Chap.10

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A Few days later...

It was one of the off days on Campus and so everyone was free to do what they wished, but things didn't change all that much for you today as you went about things like usual, but Leona had sent you a text telling you not to come help him out today, you guessed It was out of consideration since today was an off day from classes which you thought was sweet but regardless you would've still helped him anyway, and without your knowing that was indeed the truth as he couldn't have you come on a day to yourself, Leona wasn't so considerate before until you came into his life and he even let Ruggie off the hook more, and he went out of his way to help Jack every now and then when he saw him struggling with Magift practice. As time went by your friendship with Leona grew more and he had become somewhat protective of you

you were currently In the Dorm's kitchen with Epel as you helped him to bake some Apple Tarts, In which Epel asked Vil for permission to do so In which he approved since It was an off day, and since you urged him to let Epel off the hook more he listened to you

Epel turned to you, "Thanks a lot (Y/n), Vil's so strict with the eating habits here as you know"

you nodded, "I know, but it's okay to go off a dietary plan once In a while"

you sat down on one of the chairs, just as Epel joined you "What's it like?"


Epel started, "You know growing up in a castle"

you looked to your lap, "well...I always had every comfort and thing I Grandmother spoiled me a lot always wanting me to be the very best version of myself"

Epel sighed, "That sounds familiar..."

you giggled, "Yes, but....."

you started messing with a strand of you hair, "she tried to make me believe that beauty is all that matters and nothing else is Important...but I've always known better"

"Did she get mad at you?"

you nodded, "Yes but even after I was sent to my room I didn't mind, because In my heart I knew there's plenty of more Important things In the world...I do like typical things a young lady does but I also have passions for other things"

Epel smiled, "That's great"

 "Even if you keep up appearances what's most important is to never forget who you really are..."

Epel nodded before he laughed a bit, "I think I can see why Vil and Leona like you so much"

you were taken aback, a blush coming to your cheeks "What do you mean by that?"

"I was kidding! but I know Vil's really close with you right?"

you smiled, "He is, and so is Leona...they're both dear friends to me"

just then the oven went off and Epel jumped up to put on his oven mitts, before he took the tarts out the oven and their rose shapes held up perfectly, Epel smelled their aroma

"they smell great, alright let's leave them to cool down" he said

Epel carefully set the tray down before he removed the oven mitts, and while they cooled Epel took the time to tell you his own childhood experiences with his Grandma.

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang