Potions and Thoughts Chap.6

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After that day you had begun your new life as Leona's second aid, but only when you weren't attending your classes but he did ask you to do some tasks around lunchtime, In which he compensated you by buying lunch for you everyday In which you tried to stop him, but he was insistent as it was fair since he was taking most of your lunch time, the tasks you did included helping Ruggie with the laundry, cleaning Leona's bedroom and the like, which weren't hard to do but when It came to Leona's room you were surprised he was so messy for a Prince, when Leona wasn't making the occasional sarcastic remark he was very nice to you anyway, though you sometimes found he had a wall between himself and you which you could sense, you were only getting to know each other but still you hoped to maybe know him though you tried to not be presumptuous in thinking he might want to be friends, but it was still a thought you had.

you were currently In your Potion class working with your lab partner, Jade Leech who you found to be easy to talk to but sometimes you felt unsettled around him, 

you were working on a quick healing potion at the moment, In order to tell if it was a success you'd see It turn a shade of turquoise, you put your goggles back on as you added the next Ingredient which made It start to bubble In the cauldron as Jade started sturring 

"you're quite good at this" he said

"Thank you but this isn't anything to praise me for."

Jade gave a closed eye smile, "you're humble too, I wonder If that's why Kingscholar took such Interest In you"

your cheeks turned pink, "I...I don't know"

"Pardon me for prying but why are you helping him?"

you started, "I was in the gardens and accidentally stepped on his tail, In a fit of anger he grabbed me which made me slap him...at the time I didn't know It was him, I owe him for what I did but he did let me off for hurting him though"

Jade was surprised, "Really? unlike If It were anyone else...how strange"

"I hurt him It's only fair that I compensate somehow, and that's why I help around his dorm sometimes"

Jade nodded, "I see"

you turned your attention back to the cauldron as you noticed It started changing color, you exchanged a look with Jade as you then watched, and the liquid turned turquoise

you smiled, "We did It"

"Indeed, well done"

you called Professor Crewel over and he examined It, "Well done Puppies you get full points"

Jade removed his goggles, "I must say though, I've never heard of Kingscholar being generous"

you looked down, "Ruggie's told me all he's been through In which I understand but a change In behavior is always a good step towards a good future"

you then let out a sigh before you and Jade started cleaning up your work space, with classes getting out a while later as you made your way to your next class In which you ran into Epel, and had a nice chat with him until he had to part ways with you, you liked talking to Epel and thought It was cute when his dialect slipped through and he told you that Vil disliked It, In which you told him to never be discouraged about It but to keep holding his head high, as you split off from Epel and to your defense magic class your mind began to wonder back to earlier In the day, this morning It was quite the task to wake up Leona again but to your surprise he listened to you rather quickly but not without another "Warm up Cuddle"  

you shook your head, but then a little smile came "he's too much".

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now