New Duties Chap.5

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A few days later...

you'd gotten connected with Ruggie Bucchi recently about what you'd do as Leona's second aid, and he gave you a very Important task that only you could accomplish, which was wake up Leona every morning which saved him a lot of trouble but he didn't say that, upon telling him about your chance meeting with Leona in the gardens, Ruggie was surprised and said you'd gotten off easy unlike If It were any other student, you didn't mind doing this as you woke up early every morning and If It was as simple as waking him up, you'd do It as you promised

Ruggie often told you things about Leona that no one else knew, like how he secretly cares about his nephew and doesn't hate his older brother all that much, and he even explained the bad blood between the two of them because Leona always wanted to be king, at first you told Ruggie to not tell you these personal details as it wasn't your business, but It actually helped you to get a better understanding of Leona and who he was behind his smirk.

You'd just gotten up and ready for classes, now putting your magical pen into the jacket pocket before you went to go style your hair, for today you decided to change it up a little bit so you put It up into a high ponytail, then tying your usual red ribbon around It, and when finished you put some makeup on before you slipped on your shoes and left your bedroom, 

upon coming into the hallways the chandeliers were on as the sun hadn't rose just yet, 

"Ah! Good morning princesse de beaute"

you looked to see Rook, you smiled "oh, Good morning Rook"

he smiled, "you look lovely this morning, It seems you're off to somewhere"

"Well In a word I am, I have an errand to run, If you see Vil tell him that I'll try to make It back in time for breakfast" 

Rook lifted his hat, "But of course, careful on your way"

you gave a nod, continuing towards the exit to the dormitory as you were greeted by the usual keepers that were at the doors, you went outside as you headed to the mirror exit and It glowed as you passed through It, and once outside you crossed over to the Savanaclaw dormitory In which you'd never been inside before so It took you by surprise, and it had a wild air to It 

you took out your phone and told Ruggie that you were there, in which it took a while before he replied and came to meet you outside 

"Hey, Mornin"

"Good morning, what's the first task I need to do?"

Ruggie started, "Well...first of all, you'll have to figure out a way to wake up Leona"

you nodded, "alright then,"

he gestured and you followed him as you started Into the dorm, following him as you looked all around since this was your first time In their dormitory, following Ruggie further Inside as you made your way through the now waking him dorm and you hurriedly caught up to him, and once you came to Leona's room Ruggie wished you good luck

"When you're done could you help me prepare somethin to eat?"

you nodded, "okay, I'll try my best"

Ruggie nodded In response before leaving as he waved, you then rapped on the door 

"Leona? Prince Kingscholar are you awake?"

you knocked one more time as you listened for a response, but instead you could hear snoring from inside and it made you giggle a bit, you then opened the door as you peeked inside to see Leona laying sound asleep in his bed, you then took notice of how big his room was 

you then started walking over to his bed, getting close as you called his name again but still no avail but then you took matters into your own hands as you pulled the blankets off, in which he turned to face you in a bunched up position, just as you came closer to his bedside.

"Leona It's time to get up, you're a dorm leader after all"

you then noticed he was shivering slightly, in which you now felt bad about taking the blanket off and you turned your back to get it, all of sudden you felt strong arms around your waist along with great force pulling you backwards, "!!!!!"

and you found yourself face to face with Leona as he looked at you with sleepy eyes

you then blushed, "w...what're you doing...this isn't appropriate you know"

he yawned, "I know...but you pulled my blanket off It's only fair that you warm me up"

you sighed, "Goodness...this isn't right, I...we don't even know each other that well"

Leona's lips curved, "that's what you're worried about?"

Leona then chuckled a little and the sounds of it sent a shiver up your spine, just as you took notice of his lack of a Pajama top which displayed his toned and well-built body

your cheeks turned a deep pink, as you then looked elsewhere all the while he held you 

"Then...let's get to know each other better, after all you're my second aid now" he said 

you nodded, "I know, I agreed as an apology for that day in the gardens"

Leona let out another yawn, just as you found yourself gazing into his emerald green eyes In which he didn't fail to notice, he smirked "heh? what did you fall for me already?"

you blushed and quickly got yourself up, "Stop It or I'll leave"

Leona sat up, "I'm sorry"

you looked back at him, "alright, but please don't do something like that again I'm going to go help Ruggie In the kitchen, now go get dressed"

you then fixed your hair and uniform before leaving his bedroom, and Leona laid back as he then looked at the ceiling of his room contemplating, before he did as you said.

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now