The Joke Chap.18

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You, Leona and Silver returned back to Night Raven College the next morning with you having lots to tell Vil, In which the memories that you had in Sunset Savanna you'd always carry with you as It became special to you, and you supposed It was because It was Leona's kingdom and home country but there was actually a deeper meaning than that. As you surmised your feelings toward Leona had indeed changed but to put a name to It right now you felt as if your heart might burst, you wondered when or how It happened but in the last months of being by Leona's side you'd made an unbreakable bond between each other along with a dear friendship. And Speaking of being by Leona's side he told you that you weren't Indebted to him anymore so you didn't have to be his second aid anymore, he of course had thought about his decision and thought It stupid to think you'd lose what you had if you no longer were around like that 

you smiled, "Leona I know, but I do this because I enjoy It"

Leona was slightly taken aback, he then cleared his throat "That's...Alright, I'm glad"

you giggled as you looked behind him to see his tail was moving around, "Aww"

Leona's ears dropped back, "What?"

he looked behind him and then growled, "Hey! It's not that funny"

you then stopped your laughter as you went to finish putting away his laundered clothes, you'd done them together with Ruggie earlier along with his Ceremonial robe. Leona plopped down onto his bed as it squeaked underneath him as he then gazed over at your backside, all the while you hummed to yourself as you put his folded shirts away into the drawer


you turned, "Hm?"

Leona gestured, "Come here"

you wondered what he wanted as you went to his bedside, "What'd you need?"

Leona then grabbed you in a flash as you found yourself underneath him, It took a moment to register what had happened but then as you met his eyes, his emerald eyes that shined and gleamed with something you'd never seen before not to mention he looked serious 

"....Leona? what's the matter"

he came closer to the point where your noses could touch, and It sent a flash of heat across your cheek's as you felt your heart start beating like a drum with you afraid he could hear the sound

"When will you be mine?" 

his sudden question made you all the more shocked, "W...What?"

Leona's hands came up as he then brushed some hair from your face, "You heard me"

you blushed deeply, "Leona what...."

you could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you closed your eyes, but then Leona got off you 

"It's a Joke, no need to get all flustered" 

you sat up and turned away from him, "I'm not flustered I was just...taken by surprise, Leona you shouldn't do things like that"

he smirked, "Huh? Why not"

you started, "b...because I...I'll get more confused"

Leona came close, "Confused about what?"

 you thought, *Confused about my feelings...for you, please don't make things worse like this*

You took in a breath as you went to put away the rest of his clothes, "if there's nothing else, I...I have to go"

"Hold on"

Leona caught your hand and you turned to face him, "Yes?"

"Sorry for messing with you" he said

you smiled, "I know it's a joke, you're alright...really"

Leona noticed a look in your eyes that seemed disappointed, he was taken aback but then released your hand as you left his room hurriedly as you then left Savannaclaw In a hurry all the while you were convincing yourself over and over that he was joking. but still that look In his eyes wouldn't leave your head not to mention whenever you thought about It your heart would begin to pound all over again, you honestly didn't know what to do but you'd ignore It.

Or so you thought for the next few weeks, every now and again Leona continued to make that Joke while having you In a compromising position which made It harder for you to look him In the eyes. you thought to confront him about messing with you like that once and for all 

"Leona...we...we need to talk"

you found him In his usual napping spot within the botanical gardens, "Huh?"

you walked over to his side, "Leona...I have to ask you, why're you teasing me like that?"

he opened his eyes, "Like what? oh you mean the joke yeah, sorry force of habit now"

you fiddled with your skirt, "Force of habit huh? well...Leona It's very Insensitive"

Leona sat up, "I didn't mean to come off that way"

"After the second time It wasn't funny anymore, and...each time you make that joke I...I can't handle It"

his ears drooped and he stood up, "Hey...are you crying?"

your cheek's were red and you felt your eyes become cloudy, you then covered your face 

"Hey, don't cry...I'm sorry I didn't want you to get this upset"

Leona bit his lip *Damnit...did I just ruin everything? is she gonna hate me now, maybe she doesn't feel the same way after all...I shouldn't have been taken by Instinct like that*

he put his hands on your shoulders, "I'm sorry...I didn't know It would hurt you"

you shook your head, "It doesn't hurt me but...I'm...I need to think"

you then pushed yourself away from him as you ran away from his side, leaving Leona cursing himself out on the inside for his actions of what he'd done.

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now