Sight seeing Chap.15

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The Next Day....

You Awoke In surprise to hear a high pitched voice ring throughout the room you stayed In, and then you felt the bed bounce as you looked to see Cheka jumping up and down on it

you let out a sigh as you the shook your head, "Cheka, you shouldn't do that"

Cheka grinned, "Good Morning Auntie!"

you were surprised, "Auntie?"

a smile then came to your face, "Aw, Cheka do you really see me as your Aunt?"

Cheka beamed, "Yeah! after all you and Uncle are mates right?"

a blush came to your cheeks but then, someone burst into your bedroom In which happened to be a shirtless Leona wearing pajama pants as he came to grab Cheka

"Cheka what're you doing, don't barge Into other people's rooms"

just then Leona paused as he slowly looked over to you, seeing you were sitting up in bed still wearing your nightgown which made his ears droop as a blush came to his cheeks

"Hey Uh...Sorry, I'll get him out of here"

Leona then left your bedroom quickly as he shut the door behind him, he then let out a sigh 

Cheka wriggled in his arms, "Aww I wanna play with Auntie"

"Cheka it's too early right now and- wait did you just say Auntie?"

Cheka beamed, "Yeah!"

Leona's cheeks burned, "Come on....."

his heart started to pound quite a bit in his chest, just as he dropped Cheka who went running to his parents bedroom, Leona ran a hand through his hair as he looked to see the sun rising. A little later on the palace was starting to fully awake, and you'd gotten up to start the day, after taking a bath and getting dressed you were now sitting as you did your makeup routine

you finished by putting on setting spray and some lip care, just as you looked at your phone as you saw a few messages from Vil asking how It was going there so far

you smiled and replied to him : It's going wonderful, It's so beautiful here

Vil: Great to know, but take care of being In the sun while there don't forget

You: I know, don't worry I brought your specialty sunscreen

someone soon rapped on your guest room door, and you turned to see Silver In the doorway 

"Good Morning (Y/n)"

you smiled, "Good Morning Silver, let me guess did Cheka wake you up"

Silver sighed, "Yeah...the young Prince is a very spirited child"

you giggled, "Just like all five year old's are"

Silver yawned, "Also...It's about time for breakfast with their Majesties"

you smiled, "Thank you for telling me, I'm all ready so we should get going"

you then stood up as you followed Silver down the hallway, and to the staircase that took you downstairs to the Palace's dining hall which was almost like a grand hall. you looked at the long table filled with many breakfast dishes, just as you saw King Farena and Queen Zelina stride into the room with Cheka In toe, you bid them a good morning with a bow

Queen Zelina smiled, "Please, come sit we had the chef's prepare a few breakfast items that can only be found here, I hope you'll enjoy them"

you smiled, "That's so kind of you your Majesty"

just as you were about to go sit down Leona came into the dining hall with a yawn, as you were about to sit down Silver started to pull out a chair for you, but Leona beat him to It


you looked to Leona with a smile as you sat down, "Thank you"

he gave a nod and then ruffled your hair a little, which made you laugh as you fixed It back.

After Breakfast you were off to play with Cheka as promised, but Leona instead whisked you away to the Palace's Garage which held It's many vehicles 


Leona then showed you one of the car's on the end, It was a really nice convertible that was black In color and on the hood there was a lion motif, just then Leona came around to you

"would me to show you around?" he asked

you smiled with a nod, "I'd love that"

Leona opened the car door for you, "Okay,"

you got inside the car, "But Leona is this really okay? shouldn't we tell his Majesty we're leaving"

Leona came around to the driver's side, "I wouldn't get his tail in a bunch, and Yeah, this my car after all and I'm the second prince so..."

he took out his key's and put them into the slot, he fired up the engine as a smirk started coming to his face before he pulled out of the parking spot, then taking off out of the exit as Leona drove away from the palace and through the vast Savannah, which took your breath away

"It's amazing! Leona where'd you learn to drive?"

Leona adjusted his mirror, "Eh I've been doin this since before I came to Night Raven, I've always had a License"

you giggled and shook your head, "You really are full of surprises, but that's one of the things I like about you"

Leona smirked, "Oh Yeah?"

you sat back again as you looked out at the terrain, It'd been a longtime since Leona had driven anyone In his car not to mention he was happy to have you as company, he'd wanted to get away from the Palace for a while but he also wanted to show you around Sunrise City

Once you arrived Leona parked his car across the street from the huge fountain, which displayed the historical event from many years ago, It Instantly caught your attention 

you gestured, "It's so pretty!"

you grabbed his arm and brought him to follow you over there, you then took out your phone to take a picture to send to Vil before you decided to take one for yourself with Leona

Leona bent down enough to get in the frame, but then he put his arm around your waist which brought you close enough. But the action brought a bright blush to your face 

Leona looked down at you, "what're you waiting for?"

you blushed again, "Oh...sorry"

you looked at the camera as you smiled and Leona smiled too as you snapped the picture.

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now