The Invitation Chap.13

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A Month later....

Leona was In his room changing after coming back from Magical Shift Practice, when all of sudden his phone vibrated and so he gave It a glance to see the caller ID, In which his eyes widened when he saw It was his Sister In Law Queen Zelina, he then let out a huff of a sigh

Leona ran a hand through his hair as he picked It up and answered "Hello Sister In law"

"Leona! So happy I caught you I wanted to ask If you'd be coming back home"

"What for?"

"My Birthday Party you silly boy, It's in three days"

Leona completely had no Idea as he hardly ever contacted back home, but then he tried to make up an excuse because he knew she'd ask, "Oh...Right, right I knew that"

"Good, Farena and I will be expecting you there sure to bring a few friends of yours too Cheka told us about the girl who helped you watch him, we'd love to meet her"

Leona was surprised but he knew Cheka would've said something, "Okay, I'll bring her along too"

"Glad to hear It see you soon"

Zelina hung up the phone and Leona stood there as he let out another sigh,

"Well since Sister In law's askin...I can't walk my way out of this one,"

and as Leona thought more about It he then finally realized how he could thank you for all you've done for him, and that was Inviting you to come along with him there

Leona then put his phone down as he laid down on his bed which bounced a little, he then closed his eyes as he started to relax all the more just then...there came a knock

"Leona It's me"

his heart skipped and his ears became alert as he heard your voice on the other side of the door,

"Come On In" he responded

you opened the door and popped your head In, "Hi, I was just a little worried about you...Ruggie said you got Injured during your Practice"

Leona sat up, "It's nothin to worry about I'm good now, or at least I'll be"

you walked over and sat on his bedside, just as Leona removed the ponytail that held his hair back and he shook his head, as you watched It made a blush rise on your face

but then Leona caught your gaze, and he smirked "What? like what you see"

your blush deepened and you started to get up as to leave but he caught your hand

"I'm sorry, I know I promised to not make jokes like that" he said

you looked back at him to see a sincere look on his face, you then started to smile 

"Alright, I can't stay mad at you can I?" you said

but then you touched his shoulder, "Where'd you get hurt?"

"That Shoulder"

you took your hand back, "Oh! I'm sorry, does It hurt when I touch It?"

Leona lifted up his shirt and off his shoulder as he showed you the bruise, and you winced at the sight of it as It was dark and purple like, you then took out your handkerchief as you used the cold spell you knew before lightly touching the bruise with It

Leona flinched a little but then he relaxed under the cooling touch, he then chuckled a little


Leona looked at you, "Nothing, It's just this is reminding me of when you did this before"

you then smiled, "It's giving me Deja Vu too...from the day we first met"

you then started to lightly dab the area surrounding the bruise, just as Leona remembered

"Hey, My Sister In law called me earlier and...I guess Cheka told her about you,"

you were surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah and her birthday's In three days...she wants me to Invite some friends so would you like to come?"

you were once again surprised, but then you smiled "I'd love to"

a little smile played on his lips, "Okay, I'll let her know"

you then took the handkerchief back, "Is that better?"

Leona nodded, " you have magic hands or something?"

you giggled, "No...but I guess technically so"

just then you sat back down on his bed, as he put his shirt back on right but then you found yourself starting to play with his hair In which Leona was annoyed with at first but then he stopped to relax, he always felt at ease for some reason whenever you touched him


you then silently gasped, "Leona...did you just Purr?"

his ears drooped back, "N...No why would I do somethin so stupid"

his cheeks became pink *The Hell...*

you then played with his hair a bit more but then you heard the noise again, and you giggled

"Leona you did purr!"

"No I didn't!"

Leona growled as he then turned away from you, and you then apologized for laughing 

"I'm sorry"

Leona let out a sigh as he then lied back down on his bed and you started getting up

"Well...Please send me Updates on when we're leaving, I'll let Dire Crowley know I'm going with you...also Is It okay If I ask Silver to come too?"

Leona's ear twitched as he felt irritated because he knew Silver was from Diasomnia, but then he looked at you seeing the hopeful look In your eyes which made him curse himself Inside

"Whatever you want to do" he said

you smiled, "Okay, I'll go ask him...oh I can't wait...Thank you Leona"

he turned to meet your eyes, "Don't thank me...It's the least I could do after you've helped me a lot"

you felt your heartbeat quicken, "Oh...Leona that's, you didn't..."

he smiled, "But I did,"

a blush came to your cheeks as you then brought a hand to your heart, you then excused yourself and said goodbye as you shut his door behind you, putting your back to It as you then felt a smile come to your face as you were feeling something swirl in your heart.

So In love with you, Leona Kingscholar X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now