Chapter 19

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The mood had been ruined.

Finn and Elaine were no longer excited for their date. Reynard was now very frustrated because he couldn't risk going to the Compound, and now was having to pull strings to get The Strix Coven to track Dahlia without alerting the other members what he was up to. Klaus was acting like a child, snarling at Hayley, and the other Mikaelsons were all so annoyed that the tension at the dinner table was at an all-time high, making it impossible to appreciate the fact they were finally all in the same room at the same time.

"Isn't that the point of a fortress?" spat Klaus at Hayley. "It does a better job of protecting you when you stay within its walls?"

"That's enough, Nik," sighed Kol, nostrils flaring. When his brother snapped his head to look at him, he added a tad more meekly, "Well, I think that's enough. It should be enough. You've been yelling at her since she returned."

"Thank you, Kol," said Hayley, glaring at Klaus. "We need to figure out what the hell we're gonna do."

"What I would like to do," continued Klaus lividly, "is take a strong leash—"

Elijah interrupted, "Children, please. Niklaus, your ire is justified. However, Hayley is quite right. We need to find a new strategy. Freya, if you please?"

Freya sighed defeatedly. "The spell you described... Dahlia calls it 'kenning,' using proxies to watch her enemies from afar." She noticed Kol snickered. "And what is so funny about that?"

"She used 'kenning' on Jackson Kenner," said Kol. "What?" He noticed no one was laughing or even cracking a smile, not even Rebekah. "Alright then, you worry warts."

"The point," said Elaine, looking at Freya, "I imagine, is that she has this power that makes anyone in the city a potential spy. Hiding from the enemy is simpler when you know what face they bear, when you know it's only one person. Why, even hiding from your enemy's minions can be easy, because they cannot shape-shift. Once you catch a glimpse of someone suspicious, you avoid them. But if the faces of those watching us will change, if they will stare at us for only an instant and then be gone... we are in severe need of a plan that will ensure no one sees or finds Hope. Anyone not present here... can no longer be trusted until preventative measures have been taken."

"The good news," piped up Freya, "is that we have those preventative measures. I know a little about how Dahlia's magic works." She gestured to a tray with several tea cups filled with brown liquid. "This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us. We should all drink. And, if we wish to have the wolves and vampires as our allies— particularly Marcel, Jackson, and Aiden, as they are the leaders— then we ought to have them all drink this tea."

"That is a brilliant idea," praised Finn. "If you teach me to make the tonic, I could distribute it..." he began to pass around the cups, ensuring everyone took one (minus Klaus, who was apparently being stubborn).

"Well, come on," urged Rebekah. "This should work like a charm! Bottoms up." They all drank when she did.

"Niklaus," said Elijah in an annoyed tone when Klaus didn't accept the final cup as it was handed to him. "Is there something you wish to contribute?"

He shrugged. "I prefer biscuits with my tea."

Elijah rolled his eyes. "Of course."

"Besides," said Klaus. "Our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells."

Elaine snorted, and added under her breath, "Are they?"

Klaus turned to her. "Now what, pray tell, do you feel so compelled to add?"

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