Chapter 1

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Long ago there was a kingdom, that was suffering because of their king Bill Cipher. The king was in a bad mood, because he has been waiting for a queen in centuries. Until Mary Pines gave birth to twins, her son was a centaur (half human, half deer) and her daughter is a mermaid. They both have brown hair, but her son has short hair with chocolate brown eyes, and her daughter has long hair with blue eyes. Her son has brownish-orange deer body with white spots, and her daughter has a pink tail that shines like glitter. Her son has a big dipper birthmark on his forehead, which gave him the nickname while his name is Mason Pines, and her daughter's name is Mabel Pines. Mary was in the hospital bed holding the twins, as everyone looked at the twins. Everyone in the hospital has never seen babies like hers, then out of nowhere, a glow appears on Dipper's shoulder. When the glow disappears, there was a mark of the king's demon form on Dipper's shoulder. Everyone gasps in shock, because that mark means that Dipper was chosen to be their queen. Everyone cheered that their terror is finally over, one citizen posted about the queen being born. A few days later, Mary finally left the hospital with the twins in her arms. As Mary walked through the exit holding the twins, everyone in the kingdom was there.

"Is it true? You're the one who gave birth to our queen?" A citizen asked, Mary smiled and nodded which surprised everyone.

"Can we see the queen?" Another citizen asked, Mary looked at Dipper and showed him to everyone while still holding him in her arm. Everyone Cheered; until, someone cleared their throat. Everyone looked behind them in the sky, and gasped shocked to see their king.

Bill POV

I'm sitting on my golden throne in my Fearamid, watching my kingdom through my all-seeing eye  (Bill is in his human form). As I was looking around, I saw Mary (he knows everyone in his kingdom) gave birth to twins. I used my power to look into their future, so I can maybe have a bride. The girl (Mabel) had too much glitter fantasy; however, the boy (Dipper) is gorgeous. He's caring, brave, smart, friends with mythical creatures, kind to others, and helps others in need. It made my heart flutter, which made him the one. I closed my eyes and chanted

"Whicher my love

Whenever you Be..." a glow appeared on the boy's shoulder

"Through time and Space

Cake my Heart

Nearer to Thee". I open my eyes as the glow disappeared, and there was me on his shoulder in my demon form. Everyone cheered that I ended their misery, Mary got out of the hospital a few days later and was greeted by the entire kingdom. As the kingdom cheered for their queen, I decided to invite her to the Fearamid. I stand up from my throne, and teleported in the air behind the crowd of meat stacks. I cleared my throat which made everyone stop, and looked at me shockly. When I looked at Mary, she was scared as she holds the twins closer.

"Let me see, my bride." I said in my demon voice, everyone made a path towards Mary. I got down on my feet, and walked over to Mary. As I'm walking toward her, everyone bowed down as I walked through. When I got to her, I stand in front of her and looked into her eyes then read her mind.

'Just do as he says, then he won't hurt me or my kids.' I chuckled at her thought

"I'm not going to hurt you or your kids Mary." I said calmly while smiling

'Oh yeah, I forgot he can read minds.'

"Of course I can Mary, I'm the all-powerful demon king what did you expect." Mary started shaking in fear

"What do you want?" Mary asked shyly

"I want you to follow me to my Fearamid." Everyone gasped, Mary gulped and nodded

"Good, follow me." I turned around, and started walking through the crowd. As I'm walking, I looked back to see Mary following which made me smile. I whistled to make a carriage come flying down from the sky, by two winged demon horses. When the carriage landed, I got to the door and opened it as I step aside.

"Ladies first." When Mary went inside, I got in after her and closed the door behind me.

"Let's go." I shouted, while we were moving the twins started to open their eyes. Mary and I looked at them while they smiled, her daughter looked at her as her son looked at me. Pine Tree (his nickname for Dipper) reached his arms out towards me and giggled, Mary looked at her son then me. Mary asked nicely as I looked at her

"Do you want to hold Dipper?" I nodded as she hands Pine Tree over to me, I hold Pine Tree to my chest which was rewarded with a giggle and snuggle. Mary and I smiled at it; until, we heard whimpering from Shooting Star (his nickname for Mabel). We looked at Shooting Star to see her sad, as she reaches her hands towards Pine Tree. Mary and I looked at each other as she asked kindly

"Mabel wants to be with her brother, do you want to hold her?" I nodded as Mary hands me Shooting Star, She moves closer to Pine Tree and they cuddled into each other's arms smiling.


I will try to post, but I won't post daily. So please be patient with me, as I'm dealing with other things on my behalf. Love you all and stay safe

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