Chapter 6

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Dipper POV

As Bill was teaching/telling me things, Mabel burst into the room in tears which made us look at her worried.

"Mabel? What's wrong?" I asked worried

"Dipper, you have to come downstairs now!" Mabel shouted scared as she goes back downstairs, Bill and I looked at each other concerned before I went downstairs. When I got to the living room, everyone looked at me upset which made me uneasy. I walked over to them, and immediately became stunned when I looked at the TV. The news showed our home in a million pieces, like someone exploded the house. As the reporter was talking, an ambulance in the background was being loaded with two dead bodies. The reporter confirmed that the two dead bodies were our parents, which broke my heart into pieces. Mabel burst into tears while being comforted by Stan, and I softly cried to myself. Before Ford put his hand on me, I ran back to the bedroom, slam the door, jumped in bed, and cried my eyes out. As I was crying, I felt someone rubbing my back. I raised my head up, and looked beside me to see Bill looking at me unhappily. Bill laid down beside me which lets me lay my head on his chest, and wrapped his arms around me while I softly cried on his chest as he continues rubbing my back.

"B-Bill t-they're..." I said studdering

"I know Pine Tree, I know. Don't worry, I'll protect you". Bill replied softly, which made me smile. A few days later, I was called down to the lab with the journals in hand. As I was heading down to the lab, I heard something and stay at the doorway to listen.

"Was it really necessary, point dexter?!" Stan said a little angry

"For the tenth time Stanly, yes it was necessary!?" Bill has returned and we can't let him have Dipper." Ford replied annoyed, I softly gasp then continue listening.

"True, but was killing Mary and Jack necessary?"

"They were going to ruin our plan, Stanly. We had to get rid of them, so we can keep Dipper away from Bill." I was stunned and heartbroken, I was so stunned that I dropped the journals which got Stan and Ford's attention. They forgot I was coming down and was about to say something; until, I got out of the lab and ran out of the Shack. Stan and Ford were calling out to me, but I didn't listen and ran into the woods. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, then sat down against a tree. I still couldn't believe what I heard, Stan and Ford killed my parents and destroyed my home. All because they don't want me to be with Bill, what kind of guardians are they? I curled up into a ball, and cried my eyes out for a moment; until, I sense something around me. I raised my head and looked around to see fairies, mythical, and non-mythical creatures. I was scared and confused; until, a little gnome touched my arm to get my attention. I looked at the gnome, and it motion me to stand up. When I did stand up, all the creatures wanted me to follow which I did. As we were walking, I saw a wall of vines with flowers ahead of us. When we stopped in front of the wall of vines with flowers, the fairies went up to the vines, move the vines to the side, and what I saw made me speechless. Bill was standing in a magical field of flowers, surrounded by colorful trees, and other creatures. I was so speechless that the view made my heart bloom, Bill put his arms out like I need a hug. I ran into his arms with tears in my eyes, we got on our knees as Bill petted my head while I cry on his chest.

"Shh don't worry Pine Tree, I won't let them get away with this. But right now, you are safe here in my arms. They will never keep us apart, ok Pine Tree." Bill said softly, I nodded and snuggle closer to him. I raised my head and looked into Bill's eyes as he whipped my tears away, then Bill lean in and kissed me which I kissed back. As we're kissing, I felt Bill move his hand down to my waist which made my eyes widen. When Bill and I separated with a string of saliva, Bill started kissing down my neck and moved his hand down my lower half.

"B-Bill...mmm~...please no..." I said trying to stop him

"Shh, I know you don't want to do this Pine Tree. However,..." Bill raised his head and looked into my eyes

"The more I look at you, the more I crave your body. You're extremely adorable, my sweet little fawn". Bill said lustfully as he puts his hand on my cheek, his words send chills down my spine.

"Even if we were able to have 'fun', how are we going to do it since I'm part deer?" I asked while looking away

"Don't worry my fawn..." Bill moved his hand to my chin which made me look at him

"The necklace will help that". Bill replied softly, I looked at him confused; until, the necklace started to glow. I watched as gold particles circled my body, and turned me into human. I became speechless

"B-Bill...I...I don't know what to say."

"*chuckle* oh Pine Tree..." Bill replied sweetly which made me look at him

"You don't have to say anything". And for a split second, I saw Bill's eyes flash black and red which made me gasp. I was about to say something; until, Bill kissed me which made me lay down with him over me. All the creatures left to give us some privacy, Bill kissed me lustfully which made me moan like crazy. Then all of a sudden, I felt bill's tongue change into something big and more slimy. My eyes widen for a second before closing, and lets bill enjoy my body. Once we separated with a trail of saliva, I opened my eyes to see Bill's tongue big and black. I was shocked, but also excited about this. Bill sat up and snapped his fingers to make himself shirtless, I was surprised and embarrassed to see his six-pack, which Bill notice when I blushed and looked away.

"Like what you see Pine Tree~?" Bill asked sexily, I nodded which made Bill chuckle

"Oh Pine Tree..." Bill leans in and put his hand on my chin to make me look at him

"This is just the beginning~". My eyes widen once he said that.

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