Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

Bill flew over to Asria worried, and put his hand on her cheek then asked worried

"Are you ok, love?"

"Yes I'm fine, go talk to Tad. My family and I will handle our people." Asria replied softly as she put her hand over his, then they remove their hands and Bill teleported away

Bill POV

I teleported near Tag's location which lead me to double doors, that leads to the ballroom. I was very confused; until, I heard Tad's voice

"Are you out of your mind father..." I quietly open one of the doors to see Tad pacing while talking to him self

"You are asking for a war happening between mine and Bill's kingdoms, I mean yes I like Asria. However, now I'm going to lose everything. *sigh* What would mom say about this?..."

"Why should your mother get involved?" I asked curious which made Tad jump, and look at me as I have my arms cross.

"Because cousin..." I walk over to him

"My father broke the important rule again in both sides of their generations, and no one should use that bond spell unless necessary." Tad explain unhappy which I raise an eye brow

"What do you mean 'unless' necessary?" I asked confused, Tad took a deep breath and calmly explain.

"For generations, my mother and father were told to never use the bond spell. Because is someone does use the spell on random people, then their punishment might take their lives." Tad got upset which made me worry as he took a step back, and face his back towards me.

"When you went to your office with Jack and Mary, I followed and eavesdrop on your conversation then left once you got angry..." I put my hands down as I was shock to hear this

"My father is selfish for thinking he's doing what's best for the kingdom, but instead he is just trying to put the kingdom in ruins. He has been warned the last two times he did this to me,"

"Last two times?" Tad turn his head to look at me half way

"He put the bond on me two times with other kingdoms, that are also one of the strongest kingdoms which can easily destroy our people." Tad face away

"I had to take charge and make peace with those kingdoms, since I was next in line to rule. Even solving those problems helped me be a better ruler, but it doesn't change the fact about what my father has caused. When I heard my father bond me to your bride, it destroyed me since he was already punished for the last time he pulled this stunt."

"What happen?" Tad took a deep breath

"He got bond to my mother." I was shock to hear that, since his mother is a powerful demon you don't want to get mad.

"Now I'm s-scared to even tell her about this, because then I'll be the one that'll get punished instead of my father." Tad said sadly

"Why would you get punished?" Tad turn his body side way, and look at me with tears going down his cheeks. I was shock since he rarely cry

"On that day, years ago before you returned from helping your family. I acted like my father which made my mother disappointed in me. She'll think that I wanted to do this to your mate, because I didn't explain or tell her this situation before she finds out." Tad said sadly, then I walked over to him and wrap my arms around him. He did the same, then cry on my shoulder. We stayed like this for a few minutes before separating. Tad straighten him self and took a deep breaths.

"Hey..." I put my hand on his shoulder which made Tad look at me

"I'll help you confront your father, and tell your mother the situation. So don't be scared about doing this alone, you could've told me your family problem earlier. I could've help you." I said softly which made Tad smile, then we put our heads together smiling with our eyes closed. Our brotherhood has been restored.

"AHHHH..." Tad and I jump then teleported to the throne room to see everyone panicking

"What happen?!" I shouted concern, then Mary was in tears with Jack behind her

"Kevin happen." Jack replied unhappy

"What did he do?" Tad asked concern

"He kidnapped Asria, and left this note." Jack gave me the note which I open and read out loud

"Dear Bill Cipher and his kingdom,

                                                                         Asria Strange..." I immediately got mad but continue

"Is the bride of my son, Tad Strange. I was told that she was the overlords bride instead of my son, so I took her away to her 'real' home for her to marry my son. Bill if you plan to take her away, then you'll have to try solving my maze. I'll be making sure she learn her' true' fate, while your solving my maze. Enjoy your majesty, 


                                                                                                        Kevin Strange." I got pissed when I finished the note

"I swear if he dares to put his hands on..." I said angry before I looked at Tad to see his head down

"Tad?" I asked calmly, everyone looked at him. Tad cling his hands that made black veins visible on his hands making everyone a bit afraid except for me, Tad raise his head with his eyes close taking a deep breath. He put his hand out beside him making a portal appear, then looked at me and asked

"Want to confront my father?" I smiled devily before we went in the portal

Asria POV

*slap* Pain...that's all I have been feeling for hours...pain...*slap* I-I don't know what to do...*slap*...h-he won't stop...*grip*



We appeared at the bottom of the steps that leads to the front gates to the castle, and started walking up the stairs since my father made powers disabled around the castle.

"I though you would teleport us in front of the maze?" Bill asked as he looks at me

"My father is easy to manipulate, since he thinks that I'm practicing right now. So I can easily go anywhere I want without him knowing, which is better then him telling me what to do 24/7." I explained

"What about your mom?" I stayed quiet for a minute before replying calmly

"My mother is a very strict person, who wants me to be responsible and proper. Since that's how her family for generations are, but father is the worst by being curl and selfish. Which led my parents to separate, but couldn't divorce do to their family honor and the bond." Bill looked at me sadly which I know means he feels sorry for me, then we stand in front of the castle. I was about to open the doors; until, they opened by them selves. Bill and I got confused before we saw someone using magic from inside that made me shock.

"Hello my lord, brother." I smiled

"Hello Ella" I replied happily which made her smile, then we bow proper to each other

"Follow me" Ella said nicely, we entered as she use her power to close the doors. I asked curious as we walk down the hallway

"Ella, is mother here?"

"Yes" I got worried, but before I could say anything Ella said

"However, she's not here for you brother..." I looked at her confused

"She's here for father". I was shock that mom was here not for me, but for dad which got me a bit worried

"W-Why does she want father?" I asked worried which made Ella grin

"Why don't you ask her your self." Then we stand in front of two doors, Ella crack the door and put her head through

"Mother, they're here." Ella softly said

"Let them in, dear." A elegant voice said kindly, then Ella opened the doors fully showing the throne room. My mother was sitting in the throne with my father at her feet in chains with blood around his mouth, I took a deep breath as we walked over to the steps and bowed

"Wonderful seeing you again, son."

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