Chapter 4

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As days went by, Bill visited Dipper day and night. Even when Mary and Jack are having trouble with Dipper and his powers, they always call Bill for help. For the safety of Dipper, Bill removed his powers on Dipper's seventh birthday. Mary and Jack questioned Bill on why he had to remove Dipper's powers, Bill explained that having powers at a young age and human will kill him from the inside out. Mary and Jack were shocked about it, but also relieved that Dipper was safe. Mary and Jack then asked Bill if they could bring Dipper to the Fearamid, so he can enjoy his summer with Bill. Bill agreed to spend time with his mate over the summer; however, on the first day of summer, the family visited the fearamid and was surprised to see someone else instead of Bill.


I was minding my own business; until, a family entered the Fearamid uninvited. I was about to yell at them to leave, till I spotted the cute little fawn.

"And what might bring you all here?" I asked nicely as I smiled

"We're here for Bill." The fawn replied, my smile faded as I hear that name.

"Why do you want to see him?"

"I want to spend my summer with my mate." I was stunned that this little fawn is Bill's mate; however, he didn't have 'fun' with the little fawn. This will be fun, but first I have to break the fawn and let his guard down.

"Well I'm sorry to say, but the king isn't here." The family looked at me confused, while the fawn was a little upset.

"What do you mean?" The man asked

"He's in another dimension doing something, and he won't be coming back for a very long time." I replied, the family got upset and the fawn has tears in his eyes. The parents hugged the fawn, then the man picked up the fawn and the family left.

3rd POV

Ever since that day Dipper has never seen or heard from Bill, and thought that the purple guy was right which made him depressed. Dipperstopped smiling which turned to emotionless, always wearing black clothes and a jacket, and hurting himself everywhere even in private places. When the twins were twelve, they went to Gravity Falls to visit their gruncles over the summer. As they were spending their summer in Gravity Falls, Dipper always wonders into the forest every day away from everyone. When he wanders to the forest, he always goes to his favorite spot. Dipper continues to wander; until, he spots the waterfall. He walked over to the nearest tree, sit down, and start writing in a journal that he got from Ford. As Dipper writes the journal, he remembers his happy moments with Bill. He even has the plush, and blanket Bill gave him. Dipper looked at the pond in front of him for a moment; until, he said sadly

"I really want you back Bill, I miss you." Dipper sighed, packed his things, then started to head back to the Shack; until, he heard a familiar voice.

"Pine Tree~" Dipper stopped in his tracks, slowly turned around, and immediately froze in place. The one and only Bill Cipher standing in front of the pond, Dipper dropped his bag and softly said


"Hey, Pine Tree." Dipper smiled with tears going down his cheeks

"BILL!!!" Dipper shouted happily as he ran into Bill's arms which made Bill fall backward on his back, they both giggled as they hugged each other.

"I thought, I'll never see you again." Dipper said happily

"No love, I'll never leave you." Bill replied happily, Dipper sat up with Bill, looked into his eyes, and kissed him. Bill turned over, so he was on top and deepen the kiss. They both stopped to catch their breath, before Bill licked Dipper's bottom lip for permission to enter. Dipper accept and let Bill french kiss him, Dipper moaned as Bill's tongue touched every inch of his mouth. They stopped with a trail of saliva, then Dipper said sweetly

"I love you, Bill."

"I love you too, Pine Tree." They looked into each other's eyes, then Bill lightly gasp

"What is it, Bill?" Dipper asked worried, Bill got off, sat beside Dipper, as Dipper sat up, and faced Bill. Bill put his hand on Dipper's cheek and proudly replied

"Your spark is back!"

"What really!" Dipper said shockly as he looked into the pond to see his reflection, he did get his spark which made him happy. However, he immediately became confused and looked at Bill as he asked

"How did you..."

"I looked back on your life, and saw what happen while I was gone." Bill said sadly

"Gone? Gone where?" Dipper asked curiously

"I went to visit my family and friends, they needed my help and had to stay there for five years." Bill replied as he saw Dipper become upset and looked away

"B-Bill I-I..."

"Show me". Dipper looked at Bill to see him unhappy

"W-What?" Dipper asked confused

"Show me your marks."

"B-But Bill I-I can't..." Bill grabbed Dipper's hand lightly as they looked into each other's eyes

"I want to heal you Pine Tree, but I can't do that unless you show me". Dipper lowered his head, closed his eyes which made more tears go down his cheeks,  and nodded as he slowly removed his jacket. When the jacket was fully removed, Bill saw cuts, bruises, blood, and scares. Bill looked at Dipper's waist, to see a cut that's half shown, Bill was curious and used his power to see anything invisible. He saw a cloak that was covering his lower half, Bill put his hand on the knot and was about to do, and put his hand on Bill's wrist.

"B-Bill don't please." Dipper begged, Bill looked into Dipper's eyes and put his hand on Dipper's cheek as he softly replied

"It's ok Pine Tree, it's ok." Dipper sighed and removed his hand, and let Bill undo the knot. The cloak fell off to show more cuts, blood, and scars on his lower half and legs. Bill was shocked and covered his mouth with his free hand, then looked at Dipper to see him crying.

"B-Bill I-I couldn't..." Dipper said upset

"'s ok, it's ok." Bill said softly as he wrapped his arms around Dipper, and pulled him close as Dipper cried into Bill's arms. Bill put his other hand on Dipper's lower half, and used his power to heal Dipper's wounds. When Dipper was fully healed, Bill removed his hand and let him know he's done. Dipper looked at himself, and smiled to see himself fully healed. Dipper looked at Bill and said happily

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, babe." Bill replied, they did a quick kiss before cuddling and watch the waterfall. Hours went by and it turn sunset, Dipper saw this and looked at Bill

"Bill?" Dipper said softly which got Bill's attention

"Yes, Pine Tree?"

"I have to go." Dipper replied, Dipper stand up, walked over to his bag and grabbed it, and was about to walk back to the Shack; until, Bill put his hand on Dipper's shoulder and kindly said

"Pine Tree wait." Dipper stops and turn to look at him


"Close your eyes." Dipper obeyed, then Bill pulled out a necklace with his demon form as a charm from his pocket, and put the necklace on Dipper.

"Open your eyes now." Dipper opened his eyes and looked at the charm smiling, then Bill put his hand on Dipper's cheek making him look at Bill.

"If you ever need me, hold the charm, and call my name. You can come here to talk, or I come to you, ok." Dipper nodded before they did a goodbye kiss then departed ways.

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