two // catching up

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We began our walk towards the baggage claim. Nothing is really being said, but I don't mind. It's comfortable silence. He got recognized a few times, so we stopped to take pictures. My bag was one of the last ones there by the time we got there.

We managed to make it to his truck without him getting noticed again. Not that I would've minded. It's just nice to have some times to ourselves after so long.

"So what's new?" I ask as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"What do you mean?"

"Has anything new or exciting happened?"

"Don't go there, Al. No, I don't have a girlfriend, nor do I need one. And don't even think about trying to set me up. We know how well that worked out last time."

"Sorry. I just want you to be happy, Bub. You can't be upset with me for that."

"I'm not upset with you. I appreciate the fact that you want me to be happy, but I don't need anyone. I have you. That's all I need."

Now I know what that sounds like. Sounds like we're a thing. But we aren't.

Bubba and I have been friends since I was seven. We've been best friends for twelve years. We're basically family. Ryan too. But it's been years since I've seen him. Some stuff went down, and we haven't talked since before he graduated, and that was almost three years ago now. I know he's in NASCAR too, but I haven't reached out to him. I'm afraid to.

"How's Ryan?" I ask, my voice quiet.

"He's alright. He's won a few races the last couple of years. Have you not talked to him?"


"You can't just stop talking to him, Allie. You guys were best friends too, remember? He made a mistake. You don't know how he feels."

"Bullshit. I know how he feels. He should feel fucking guilty!"

"It was meant as a joke!"

"Well it wasn't!"

This isn't how I wanted the start to my weekend to go.

Neither of us said anything else for the remainder of the ride back to the track. How dare he try to tell me how Ryan feels. I'm the one that's messed up because of it, not him. He deserves to feel guilty.

I just hope I don't run into him this weekend.


yo yo yo revised chapter two is here!

so yeah, i have finally gained some motivation to do this, while writing my Chase book. 

debating on just scraping Bubba though, because I'm having the worst time trying to figure out where to go with it.

anyways, you know what to do


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