five // the truth comes out

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"Bubba!" I screamed. "Why would you fucking tell him that!"

"It's his kid, Allie! He has a right to know!"

"That's not your fucking decision to make though!"

"Hold on. I have a kid?" Ryan asked, obviously shocked.

"Yes," I mutter. I was hoping he would never find out. Of course I want my son to know his father, but I wasn't ready for him to find out just yet.

"You two need to talk, and I'm removing myself from the situation because I don't need this stress before the race. Let me know when you're done." Bubba walked back to his room where I previously was, leaving Ryan and I alone. The last time we were alone, he took advantage of me.

Neither of us said anything for a good five minutes. It just felt weird to me; being in the same room as him. I wasn't sure what to say, or where even to start. I didn't know what was going through his head, and I didn't know what was going to come out of his mouth next.

"How old is..." he trailed off.

"He. You have a son."

"He. How old is he?" I could sense his emotions in the way his lip began to quiver when he spoke. I knew it would be hard for him when he found out, but I didn't care. 

"Three." I felt his eyes burning into me, but I couldn't force myself to look back. I knew all the pain and emotions I've had bottled up since that night would come pouring out, and I refused to let that happen.

"What's his name?"

"Carter Justin Campbell." It was quiet for a few moments. Neither of us really knew what to say. Ryan was trying to digest everything he just learned. I looked up briefly, and he caught my gaze. "He has your eyes."

"Allie, why did you never tell me? It's been three years. Doesn't he ask who his father is, or why his dad is never around?" I averted my gaze back to the floor, once again too afraid to look at him.

"Of course he wants to know who you are. But I don't tell him much. I tell him you're busy at work, and that soon he'll know more. But honestly? I don't want him to know who you are. And I never intended on you finding out. At least not until later, when he was older and could decide for himself whether or not he wanted a relationship with you."

"But he's my son! I have a right to know him and have a relationship with him!" Ryan began raising his voice, and this is exactly what I was trying to avoid. A fight.

"You don't have any fucking rights! You have no right to know or see your son, and I will damn well do absolutely everything in my power to keep it that way for his sake!" I yelled back. Angry, I stormed out of the motor home and began walking. Where I was walking to, I'm not sure. But anywhere was better than there.



long time no update

sorryyyyyy, but i've been super busy with school and everything

finals are coming up so i'm uber stressed about those, plus i have surgery on friday that i've been trying to prepare for and whatnot

but have no fear! allie is back and will continue to update!

so how has everyone been?

some major stuff will be happening later on in this book

now to go update mafia 2 lol

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love you


Anything Can Happen // Ryan BlaneyWhere stories live. Discover now