nine // the truth is out

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Ryan froze. Literally.

I didn't say anything. I said what needed to be said. But I knew deep down that Ryan deserved an explanation. Whether he would believe me or not, I don't know. 

"Ryan?" Bubba said, waving his hand in front of Ryan's face. He didn't move.

"Mommy? Who is that sitting next to Uncle Bubba?" Carter asked. I turned to look at him and took his tiny, three year old hands in mine.

"Baby, that's the man that helped me create you," I replied softly. I refused to call him his father because he's done nothing to deserve that title.

"Is that daddy?"

I sighed. "Yes, sweetie. That's your dad." Carter looked away from me and over to Ryan, who had gone from not moving a muscle to wiping tears from his eyes.

"When Bubba told me I had a kid the last time you and I saw each other, I didn't actually believe it could be true. But here he is, right in front of me," Ryan said, wiping yet another tear from his eye. I shot Bubba a look. I'm still pissed at him for telling Ryan about Carter when it wasn't his place to say anything.

"Mommy, are you okay?" I turned back towards my son.

"I'm fine, Carter. Mommy's going to be right back, okay? I need to go to the bathroom," I replied. I got up from my seat and walked over next to Bubba. Bending down, I whispered in his ear; "Don't let him over near my son while I'm gone."


After I returned, I saw Bubba had listened to what I said for once, which oddly enough, surprised me. Our food came shortly after, and no one really said anything while we ate, except for Carter who kept telling me how amazing his chicken fingers were. 

When we were done eating, Bubba paid the bill, much to my discretion I might add, and we got up and left.

I was almost to my car when Ryan called out to me.

"Allie, now that I know about Carter, I want to have a relationship with him. I want to spend time and get to know my son."

"Yeah, that won't be happening," I reply, not bothering to look at him as I buckle Carter into his car seat.

"Why not?" Ryan asked.

"Because, Ryan. I don't want Carter anywhere near you. I'm not over what happened, and I don't know when or if I ever will be. You can say you want to see him all you want, but I know your words are empty. You'll see him once and want nothing to do with him afterwards. I'm not going to let you hurt him the same way you hurt me."

"He's my son, Allie. I have a right to see him!"

"Tough shit, Ryan! After tonight, you won't see him again."

"I'll fight you for him then. If you won't let me see him, then I'll fight you for full custody of him."

"Good luck with that. Considering he's three and you haven't done shit for him his entire life, that'll be a quick battle that will end in my favor."

"I didn't fucking know about him, Allie! How could I have possibly done anything for my son I didn't even know fucking existed!"

"We aren't having this conversation. You want to fight for him? Bring it on. I can promise you that you'll lose. And when you do, I'll make damn sure you never see him again until he's old enough to decide for himself if he wants to see you or not. This conversation is over."

If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get. Good fucking luck, Ryan.



so i'm 99% sure y'all hate me because it's been like 10 years since i last updated

but so much has happened in that time so let me update you

watkins glen weekend, i met todd gilliland, chase purdy, harrison burton and all the other k&n drivers. that was friday. sunday, i met trevor bayne, ty dillon & CHASE FUCKING ELLIOTT. 

life was made

other than that, not a whole lot of exciting stuff has happened because i live a very boring life

if you don't already, feel free to follow all my social media accounts. they're located in my bio

as always, vote and comment because you all love me so much even though i take 5ever to update

love you guys


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