fourteen // telling chase

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"You're serious? You'll actually marry me? Bubba asked, clearly in shock. Why did he think I would say no?

"Yes. If it's going to help me keep custody of my son, then I'm all for it. I refuse to lose him to him."

He walked a few feet so he was standing directly in front of me. Bubba reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box and opened it. Inside contained a small ring with a big ass diamond. When did he have time to go get a ring? He's basically been by my side since I got here.

"Well, if you're serious, then I have to do this right." He got down on one knee. Is this really happening? "Allison Marie Campbell, will you marry me?" I was at a loss for words. I felt the tears rushing to my eyes, and they soon spilled over. I nodded in acceptance. I guess all those engagement stories you hear about being overemotional are true.

"There is one thing I want to talk about, though," I say once I've calmed down a bit.

"What's that?"

"I want to tell Chase about our plan."

"Allie, are you crazy? Don't you think he'd tell Ryan?"

"You would know if him and Ryan are friends. Are they?" He shook his head no. "Well that solves that problem then, doesn't it. Besides, if we're doing the whole courthouse thing, we're going to need witnesses to sign it or whatever, so he can be one and we can find someone else to be the other." Bubba thought about this for a moment before he said anything.

"You're right, Al. Chase is a good friend of mine, and I know you care about him. It's only right that he knows and is there for us. And once this all settles over, you and I can separate and you can be with him, like I know you want to be." I noted a little hint of sadness in his voice as he said this. He doesn't actually want to be with me for real, does he?


"Are you guys fucking insane?" Chase yelled. We had called him over to the bus sow e could tell him. We also made him swear to secrecy that he wouldn't tell anyone. "And Allie, after all this time. Why didn't you tell me about your son?" He sounded hurt.

"I didn't know how you would react to a 19 year old with a three-year old son. I didn't want you to judge me because my past is so rough."

"Allie, I never would've done that to you. I like you just the way you are. Don't feel like you have to be someone you aren't around me. I would never ask that of you and I would never want you to not be the true you." I looked over to Bubba who was sitting next to me. He looked so hurt by Chase's words. Almost as if he wished he was the one saying them to me instead.

"Well don't worry. Once Allie is granted sole custody of Carter, you don't have to worry about me. You can have her after that." Ouch. Bubba stormed out of the bus, slamming the door behind him. I gave Chase a sympathetic look and followed after Bubba.

It took me a few minutes, but I eventually found him.

"Care to tell me what the fuck just happened in there? You can't just hand me off like I'm property!"

"Are you that fucking blind that you can't see it?"

"See what, Bubba?"

"I'm fucking in love with you, Allie!"


dun dun dun

yeah it's been awhile since i updated. sorry about that.

i finished school for the semester with a 3.3 gpa & now i'm working all the time which leaves me virtually no time to do anything, including sleep. this is the first week where i've had a day off & they haven't tried calling me in in the past like, month.

adulting is fun, man

anyways, hopefully i can update again soon depending on my work schedule.

vote and comment as always

love you


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