seventeen // the decision

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That night I slept on Chase's couch. He didn't talk to me the rest of the night, other than to say I was welcome to stay. It hurt that he felt hurt by me, but I knew that what was about to happen in the morning would crush him even more.

I woke up and quietly left Chase's motorhome to go back to Bubba's to freshen up. Bubba was already awake and waiting for me at the table.

"Where the hell have you been all night?"

"Out," I shrugged. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, clearly expecting a different answer. The air was tense; so tense that you could cut through it with a knife. "There's something I need to talk to both you and Chase about when he gets here." And I walked away.


Chase got there about an hour later. I was sitting back in the bedroom when they both knocked on the door. I allowed them to enter when they both sat on the edge of the bed.

"Alight Al, what's up?" Bubba asked.

"I did a lot of thinking last night after I ended up at Chase's and he got mad and stormed off." I paused and took a deep breath. I know this is going to absolutely kill both of them. "Both of you have offered to marry me for the sake of keeping my son with me. But I've made a decision and it's my decision to make. I'm not doing either option. I'm going at it alone."

"Are you crazy? You know the minute they look at your background and financials, they're going to give custody to Ryan, right?" Bubba shouted. 

"Allie, we're just trying to help you. I understand why you're doing what you're doing though, and I'll be there for you every second."

Bubba got up and stormed off. I knew he wouldn't take it well, but he's being a baby about it. I mean, you'd think my best friend would understand, but because it didn't work out the way he wanted it to, he's going to be an asshole about it? I mean, come on now. You're an adult. That's completely unnecessary. 

"He'll cool off Allie. Don't worry about it." Chase said in an effort to comfort me.

"Trust me, I know."


well that's a really short update sorry lol

i didn't really know where else to go with this chapter because they next couple are going to be longer due to the custody battle coming up

anyways i'll update again maybe later today or tomorrow

vote & comment pleaseeee

love you 


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