twelve // marriage

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"Married? Bubba, have you lost your mind?"

"Just let me explain before you say anything. If we were to get married, you'd have the financial stability to raise Carter the exact same way as Ryan would, plus you'd have an extra set of hands when I'm not at the shop. You wouldn't have to be doing it alone anymore. And if the judge can see that you and I are doing fine raising him, he can't take him from us and give him to Ryan. I know there's nothing between us, but if I can help you save Carter from having to go live with someone he just met yesterday, then I'll do whatever it takes."

It's not a bad idea. It's really not, But marriage? I'm 19. I was hardly ready to have a kid when I was pregnant with Carter. What makes him think I'm anywhere near ready to get married, mentally or emotionally? 

And what'd this about there not being anything between us? He was there last night. He knows what we did. And I know he doesn't regret it. I've known for years that Bubba's wanted to be with me. I think I was 14 when I figured it out. He was 16 at the time. That was when I was still friends with Ryan. Before everything went down. Ryan had a thing for me too at the time. For some reason, I chose Ryan. He had more of that "bad boy" quality to him than Bubba did, and that's the type of shit I went for at the time.

"Do you think that's a good idea? Honestly?" I replied.

"Honestly? The thought of getting married scared the shit out of me. But getting married to you can't be too bad, right?" He laughed. "I mean, we've been friends for so long, so it can't be that bad."

"What if the judge doesn't buy it? That we're actually married. What if he thinks we're doing it only so I can keep Carter? If we do this, we have to make it real and believable."

"I'll do the best I can at making it seem real, but it's only so you can keep Carter. There's nothing there between us."


"So do you regret last night then?" I ask. He sucks in a big breath and holds it for what seem like forever before letting it go.

"I didn't mean-"

"Then what the fuck do you mean? You say there's nothing there but there is. For you, I know there is. There has been for 5 years now, but you never told me nor acted on it until last night!"

"How did you know?"

"It wasn't hard to figure it out. The looks you would give me were a dead giveaway. The way you treated me. It was obvious. I just never told you that I knew because I didn't want to embarrass you or whatever. You didn't answer my question though. Do you regret it?"

I know I don't.

"No. I don't regret it in the slightest."


okay two in one night, go me

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