four // unpleasant reunions

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I booked it off the stage, Bubba yelling after me. I ignored him and kept running. I didn't really know where I was running to, but I didn't care. I needed to be as far away from there as possible.

I wasn't paying attention when I ran into someone. It was the last person I wanted to see.


"Allie!" he exclaimed, helping me to my feet and pulling me in for a hug.

"Get the fuck off me!" I screamed, hitting him with all the power I could muster up. 

"Allie just hear me out!"

"No, Ryan! Get off of me!" I yelled, still hitting him. He still wouldn't. I knew I would regret it, but I did the only thing I knew would get him off of me. I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. And he dropped like a rock.

"What the fuck was that for?! I just want to fucking talk to you!"

"Stay the hell away from me." I turned around and ran back to Bubba's coach. I wanted to be as far away from everyone as I could, and this was my only choice.

I don't know how long I was alone for before someone opened the door and came inside. Assuming it was Bubba, I got up off his bed and walked out into the living area. At least that's what I think it is.

And of course, Ryan was with him.

"Any reason why when I found him, he was curled into a ball on the ground?" Bubba asked, clearly irritated.

"I kneed him," I replied nonchalantly.


"He hugged me, and wouldn't let me go even though I was screaming for him to let go. I did the only thing I knew would get him off of me."

"You can't just go around kneeing people in the balls, Allie. That's not okay!"

"You don't seem to fucking understand. I don't want him near me! As soon as he gets that through his thick fucking head, then I'll be fine!" I stormed off back to Bubba's room. I'm not in the mood to deal with Ryan at all, or Bubba's scolding. 

I wasn't in there long before I heard the two of them start talking. 

"Ryan, you can't just force yourself on her like that. Not after what you did."

"She has no idea how bad I feel. I still remember her face when she realized what had happened. I remember her telling me that she'll never forgive me. The way her voice cracked as she began to cry. Bubba, I've had to live with that for three years now. I just want to apologize to her." I heard Ryan sniff, which I'm assuming meant he's crying. I opened the door and peaked out a little. Neither of them noticed me, so I stayed where I was.

"Then you need to figure out how you're going to do that. I hate having my best friends not talking to each other. But you really messed her up, Ryan. She's not the same as she was before."

"How's she been?"

"Aside from the fact that she had to drop out of high school, not too bad. She got her GED, and she starts college in the fall."

"Wait, she dropped out?" I figured Bubba would've told him everything that happened since then. Guess not.

"Wait, you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Ryan, you got her pregnant."


hahahah hey

it's been almost a month since i've updated oops. but i've been super busy so don't hate me

i started college last week, so yay. it' interesting. i've only made one friend because i literally talk to no one when i'm here. oh well.

dover is in about three weeks and i'm super excited

i'm getting a new tattoo on thursday yayy

what else to say... um..

oh yeah! dun dun dun somewhat (not really) a cliff hanger lol

go ahead and hate me hahaha

i still have to finish my pre-write of chapter ten for mafia two before i can update that, but of course i forgot the notebook at home, so i'll probably just keep going with this one until class starts. which isn't until 9:30, yet i'm here super early just so i could get a good parking spot.

anywho, i'll catch ya on the flip side


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