Just a memory

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I was in the kitchen with Dad, making dinner. "Yum" I say, licking the spoon dipped in chocolate. "I want some" my brother says. He grabs the spoon and licks the rest off the spoon. "That was mine!" I say. "Not anymore." He says finishing it. I jump on him and tackle him. We roll on the floor, and being to fight. "Get off Layla!" He screams. We tackle more and he jumps on me and pins me to the ground. "Okay who dipped the spoon in chocolate?" Dad ask us. We stop fighting and hid the spoon. "Layla? Link?" We point at each other and he laughs. "Okay why don't you get your mother and maybe get extra chocolate?" We light up. "I'll do it!" Link says first and runs out the door. "Me too." I say chasing him. I try to run fast, but Link runs faster. I stop to catch my breath. Link beats me and I'm to tired to yell. Her golden hair  waved in the wind. She was standing on a rock looking into the distances. "Mommy, it's time for dinner." Link says tugging her dress. I managed to walk over there and flop on to the floor. Moms sees me and lifts me up. "See over there." She points over to a mountain. I look closer and see a dragon. My eyes widen, I never see a dragon up this close. "What dragon is that mommy?" Link asked. "That's Naydra." Mom says. "Only people who are bless by Hylia get to see one. Or the chosen hero." "Who the chosen hero?" I ask. "No one knows. But they we destroy Camitiy Gannon for good. So we just have to wait." She says. She presses my nose and we head inside. "Could I be the chosen hero, mommy?" Link asked. "Maybe, but only Hylia knows." We head inside and eat dinner. I look outside one more time, "Thank you Hylia." I say quietly.

"Hiya!" I fold my fingers in the scared way and contract. "Hmmm" I think hard and a force field surrounds Zelda and me. The wind pushes my hair, but stay in place. I spread my arms to my sides then raise them. "Now" I close my eyes and the force field breaks, and send flying tiny glass shards to the guardian and it explodes. I open my eyes and feel a tight hug around me. "Thanks for saving us, Layla!" Zelda says with a smile. "I guess the training with Impa paid off" I turn around to look remands of the guardian. "We'll I guess we should be heading back" I say. I look up to the sky and we raise our hands. A big blue ray of light comes form the ground consuming us. We reach at the Hyrule castle and see knight towards us. "Hey Link!" I say cheerfully. "Your majesty, where have you been?" A knight ask. I see Link giving me a serious look. "I think the real question is where have you been, Layla?" The knights look at me angrily. I glare right back. "That's none of your business guards, if your so dying to know I was saving the princess. I actually saved her before she died." I snap at them. They are left shocked. "Well it's good to have you back, your majesty" The knight says. They walk away, but Link stays. "Those knights can be annoying." Zelda says. "You think?" I say. "I have on as my brother." I whisper to her. She giggles and walks away. "See you tomorrow, Layla. And thank you about today." She quickly follows the knight inside. I smile, but dies after Link grabs me. "Great job Layla" he gives me a smile and walks after the princess. I leave the castle and head home, disappointed. How much I wanted to serve the kingdom. 

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