Chapter 3 Wizard Against Wolf

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     After spending some time with Rook at the penthouse that he got for himself plus telling Ryley that we could do videos together and simply have fun, I was thinking that I had to apologize for cutting their vacation short so I gather everyone ...

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     After spending some time with Rook at the penthouse that he got for himself plus telling Ryley that we could do videos together and simply have fun, I was thinking that I had to apologize for cutting their vacation short so I gather everyone as Rook stayed aside since he wasn't involved from the vacation that my coworkers/friends did with me.

"Alright everyone, I know that this vacation got cut short and I'm so damn sorry about it but I had no other choice" I said as I started to apologize to all my friends/coworkers

"Jared, it isn't your fault that it got cut short so don't apologize for someone else actions" Austin said as Britt was with him

"yeah you're not only half our boss but you are our friend so don't take the responsibility of cutting the vacation short cause of an idiot that couldn't keep it in his pants plus make his own wife feel like she's nothing" Jade said

Everyone agreed with them and they also talk that I should just move on from the Sammy Guevara situation but quite frankly I can't since I have to talk to Tony Khan about it and since I put my hands on him I might get a warning or a suspension, which I would understand it but that's only TK's decision to make as we arrived at mostly everyone's houses since they either live around Orlando or Tampa I told my bus driver that he could leave the bus by the airport as we will be soon heading to New York.

"Alright first off Tay, you want us to get your things from Sammy's?" I asked her

She nods "yeah, but can you help me with it?" She said and asked

"Sure" I said

     It only took us about an hour before we got there and luckily Sammy wasn't there yet so I manage to help Tay pack mostly all her stuff and she even took the kittens with her, after about an hour Tay had everything she needed so we went to the airport but as we got there I called Tony to talk about what happen.

"Hey TK, it's Jared listen before this turns into a big news from the dirtsheets or anything like that but...Sammy and I got into a fight" I said

"Wait what?!, Jared you were the one at the meeting that people could have got to you for problems and you cause one?" He said but sounded so disappointed in me

I sigh "Tony... I was defending Taynara...Sammy had been acting like a brat and a child that's why he recently did got on my nerves, look I'm sorry that it happen if you have to suspend me I'll understand okay" I said as I lean back while Anna cuddle up to me

He sigh "yeah I had no choice but to suspend you as well...I can't tolerate fights in our outside of work between my employees, so Jared you're suspended without pay for at least a full week...see you next Wednesday you won't be in Brooklyn" He said

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