Chapter 9 The Wolf Had Enough And New Teammates

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Before AEW Dynamite

     After that wonderful vacation that got me to celebrate three years with my wife and to spend time with my friends and kids today well Tony ask me to handle a meeting with everyone including the two that started it all so I went straight to th...

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     After that wonderful vacation that got me to celebrate three years with my wife and to spend time with my friends and kids today well Tony ask me to handle a meeting with everyone including the two that started it all so I went straight to the ring as I called everyone to be around it, I really had enough for this bullshit and it has made AEW look extremely bad so everyone came as I motion for Mox, Bryan, Jericho, Ryley, Serena, Toni, Britt, Saraya, Anna Christopher Daniels and Tony Khan to be inside the ring with me.

"Let's cut to the chase, I don't give to flying fucks about if I hurt your feelings after this cause I did had enough of this bullshit!" I said as everyone hasn't ever seen me hell of mad before, also my kids are still with me so they are literally sitting in the ring watching me yell at my coworkers

"Manuel and Samuel, how many fucking times I have said that if you have a fucking problem to talk to me about it!...instead of going on interviews and telling your problems on social media!, you can fucking call me!" I said getting madder now but I took a deep breath and added "Samuel this is like the third time you got into a fucking problem, yeah Eddie apologize, I took the blame for you! And now Manuel you might have gotten things out of hand but still Samuel you could have handled it differently"

I shook my head "Tony, you said that Chicagos problems would be the last problems but you let Samuel get away with three more incidents and I had it!...I'm so done with you babying a manchild like him plus yeah I saw on YouTube that Samuel didn't went home and he was rewarded with Tv time!" I said

"Now Jared calm down please, we don't need to escalate this more" Tony said trying to calm me down

"You shouldn't ever tell a Hispanic or a Latino to calm down Tony, that only gets us angrier so here is my advice and final either get your shit straight or I'm fucking leaving AEW forever!" I said as I got close to the ropes to leave the ring plus make everyone shocked at my words since I really had enough

"Look Jared I know things haven't been good since we had that backstage fight between The Elite with Ace and Phill but there no need to threaten me to leave" Tony said getting mad himself

I chuckled with anger "you might be my boss right now Tony but you could be my last as I can retire early from wrestling and focus only on music and my either do the right thing and stop babying Samuel or you will lose another EVP and your ROH World Champion to which the dirty sheets will call you the worse booker and boss of all times" I said as I left the ring and let Jaime get a piggyback ride to my locker room

A few minutes later before the show

"Jared can we talk?" Tony asked me as I was getting ready for tonight's show since I left the meeting way early plus my kids were playing with their Nintendo Switch

"Going to fire me?" I asked

He sighs "came to apologize for what went down earlier and for all the stress I have put you through ever since Chicago gate" Tony said

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