Chapter 17 Setting Up Big Rivalry

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Movie/series studio

"My dude, you about to be in another series" Slim said

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"My dude, you about to be in another series" Slim said

I nodded "yeah but only like a few episodes and then I'm back to be with my pregnant wife" I said

"Well dude, see you later" Slim said as he was the one that drove me here

     As I walk to the studio the director saw me and drag my ass to the building as he told me everything that was plan for me while Ryley did her thing plus not only it was Ryley since we have another surprise for this series that's being co produce by Ryler herself.

"Hey wolf!, love that you're here" Ryley said

"Hey Ry, let's do this shit" I said with a smile

"It ain't not shit here" Ryley said playfully

I laugh "you right, anyways what do I have to do?" I asked

"Let me give you the script" Ryley said as she pull out the script and gave it to me

As I read what Ryley gave me it was something that I didn't expected to do on Tv but I'm all out for that type of things so I just went to the trailer to change clothes as I was done changing I went to the set as they started to film the episodes, it took us almost all day but we did at least two episodes today which when it was time to leave it was almost around 5 pm so I quickly head out to my mansion so as I got inside the mansion Anna went up to me as she wanted me to make us dinner.

After dinner Anna wanted a bubble bath to which I pick her up bridal style and take her to our bathroom then I set everything up for her as she got naked plus Tay was here with us so she told me that I could at least relax, I went to the balcony to have a smoke but as I did I got a called from Effie and Ryley about something involving Dynamite so I just talk with them both.

"So do why I have the pleasure of you two calling me?" I asked them

"Well besides that we have to talk about the series, there's also the fact that I'm either going against Effie or Jaime for their titles" Ryley said

"If you want to face me Ryley, you have to get very ready cause even if we are best friends in real life, I'm gonna make you my bitch on Tv" Effie said challenging Ryley

"Hey take it easy you two or I'll put you two on time out" I said playfully but it sounded more serious

"We are" they both said and laugh

I shook my head "anyways, what do you want exactly Ryley, cause there's also Athena for her ROH Women's Championship" I said

She nods "yeah I know but I want to be triple crown/gran slam champion in AEW" Ryley said

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