day 9

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Things with you are alright, so I'll change who I'm writing to, because now he's breaking my heart more than you are.

Dear boy who ignores me after claiming I was "weird" and said previously that he really liked me, fuck you.

You led me on, then let me go just as fast. It's funny how the one class I share with you used to be my favorite, but now I dread every time you walk through the door.

You don't talk to me. You don't even look at me. You talk to the quietest people who don't even reply, but not me. It's as if looking at me will make you disintegrate or die, or you fear looking at me because I'm the reason you're unhappy in life. I didn't do anything.

Today I was walking downtown with a group of my friends. We were having a great time actually, laughing about stupid things that nobody else would understand. That's when I saw you.

You ran up to my friends and didn't even look at me. It was as if I didn't exist to you and I was just in the shadows; a stranger in your eyes.

I walked away, because this hurt. My best friend won't even look at me, as if the thought of seeing me made him sick.

What did I get afterwards? A text from you saying that you had seen me today.

Well, thanks for noticing.

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