Chapter Five

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'So, what's training going to be like, then?' I ask freely, seem as though everyone's Dauntless born here, apart from me. 'Most likely going to be hand-to-hand combat.' Jay says while taking a mouthful of his chicken wrap. 'Yeah, shooting, too.' Jacob adds. 'And, knive throwing.' Leigh finishes. 'Okay.' I was going to say more, but the hall fills with the sound of banging cups and cheering. At first, I'm confused, but then I realise why they're doing it when the leaders appear on an overhanging balcony. 'Initiates!' Says the man who was talking to Eric on the roof. His voice bounces off of the walls and everyone goes silent.

'You have chosen to join the warrior faction, tasked with the defence of this city, and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, and the courage that drives one person to stand up for another. Respect that. Do us proud.' I see both Eric and Sara - the dauntless born instructor, stood at either side of the man. Eric's on the left, and Sara's on the right. I look at Eric and his eyes look deep into mine for a second, then he turns away and follows the man and Sara out of the canteen. People cheer as they leave and the cheering continues many minutes after.

Once Jay finishes eating, we head back do our seperate dormatories, me hugging the girls and saying goodbye to the boys before I enter. When I do there's only a few people in there, with about four beds taken, and sixteen left, obviously. Thank you math. There's two boys sat on their beds talking at the back of the room, and two girls, also talking, except they're sat nearer to the middle than anywhere else. First impressions count. I repeat in my head. My mother always used to say that to me when I was younger. The few pieces of advice she gave me; I might as well use them.

So, I finally decide what to do. I walk over to them and smile. They both turn and smile back. At least they seem nice. 'Do you mind if I sleep here?' I ask politely. They look at each other, sharing a glance, then the brunette-haired one answers for them both. 'No, its okay.' I nod at them both and plop onto the bed across from them. 'Thanks.' I say. They both smile and this time, the one with rich, auburn coloured hair talks. 'You're welcome.' She answers sweetly. 'Enjoying Dauntless?' I ask. They both nod in unison. 'It'll be a living hell when training starts, though.' I sigh. 'Yeah, getting beaten to a pulp isn't going to be that fun.' The lighter-haired one says. I nod. 'What's your name?' The same girl asks. 'Lana, you?' I say looking at her and the other girl. 'I'm Jacqueline, but my friends call me Jac. And this is...' She trails off waiting for the other girl to finish. 'Ella, but my friends call me Ember.' And I can see why. 'The hair?' I ask. 'Yeah.' Ember laughs.

'So.' I say. 'What factions did you come from then?' I ask nosily. 'Erudite.' Jac says. 'Candor.' Ember says. 'Abnegation.' I join in. I look around the room and it seems that quite a few more people have joined. 'And the only abnegation, apparently.' I add. Jac and Ember nod. 'Pretty obvious at the start, but now.' I look down at my clothing. 'You can't really tell.' I murmur. They both hum a reply. I see someone out of the corner of my eye, strolling towards us. Both of the girls turn to look in the direction I am and the person makes eye contact with Jac for a second, then Jac speaks. 'Hi Red.' She greets him. 'Hey Jac.' Red answers, then looks at me. 'Who's this?' He questions. 'I'm Lana, do you three know each other?' I'm asking the questions now. 'I'm from Erudite, so I was in classes with Jac. And I've met Ember quite a couple of times.' Red answers for himself. The girls nod in approval. 'Okay.' I say while processing all of the information. 'Mind If I sleep here?' Red says looking at me. 'It's fine by me, as long as the girls agree.' I look towards Jac and Ember. 'Yeah, sure.' They say together.

Red plops on his bed, like I did, and tries to get comfy. He does, eventually. 'You guys, we should get to sleep, training starts tomorrow.' I hear three okays and we all decide to go to sleep. All of us girls sleep in our sports bras and pants and Red sleeps pretty much the same. 'Night.' I say. 'Night.' Jac repeats. 'Goodnight.' Ember replies. 'Don't let the bed-bugs bite.' Red says and we all laugh quietly. I get under my covers and lay facing the ceiling thinking. What will it be like in training? Not easy. That's what It'll be like. Not fun, most likely. And painful, very, very painful. But hopefully I'll pass with flying colours. Hopefully. Not definitely, I'm not sure, but I believe in myself enough that I know I'll pass, I just know. After that, I fall into a deep sleep. . .

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