Chapter Nine

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His apartment?

Why are we- 'Here?' Eric asks, as if he read my mind. I give him a questioning look. 'You were thinking out loud.' Oh... Eric closes the door then walks into a sectioned-off part of the living room- the Kitchen. He opens the black refrigerator and his hands come out with two beers. He places them, on what looks to be, a black
marble counter, then he grabs his keychain out of his pocket and pops both of the lids off with his door key. I plop on his metallic coloured couch and continue to watch Eric. He looks up for a second and returns his focus back to the kitchen while smirking. 'Get cozy while you're at it, why don't you.' He suggests, his voice thick with sarcasm. 'Why thank you for being so, so generous.' I answer with just as much sarcasm. He grunts and walks into the living room with both of the beers in his hands. After placing down his beer, he hands the other to me. 'Thanks.' He sits down next to me on the sofa and pulls both of his arms behind his head, closing his eyes. I look at him while taking sips of my beer.

I finally get to take a look at the place. Black walls along with dark curtains that are hung over a wide window that looks over Dauntless. Various items are sprawled across shelves around the room. A flat screen TV is on the wall just in front of me, with two large speakers at either side. 'Mind if I take a look around?' I ask Eric. He grunts. 'Sure.' Placing down my beer, I stand up and walk towards the bookshelf to the right of the TV. My fingers rub against the hard covers as I slide my fingertips across them. I carefully take a book and turn it over. The cover is red with intricate golden designs of curls hugging its corners. The title bears the name of 'The Lord Of The Rings' and is in large and bold, golden lettering. I spin around and almost bump into Eric, who must've been stood there for a while. 'J. R .R. Tolkien?' I ask him. 'What's so surprising?' He answers with a question. 'Nothing. I just... Didn't think you read books.' I say. I open the book and flip through its pages, then close it and put it back on the shelf, where it was before. 'There's a lot of things that you don't know about me, yet.' I look up and into his eyes to only see my own face inside of the pupils. His iris' are a grey colour with golden flecks around the pupils. His eyes are so... unusual? I've never seen eyes that colour before... Lana- Stop daydreaming, snap out of it. I blink a few times then look down and clear my throat. 'I think you have a bigger book collection than me.' I smile up at him. Way to change the conversation... I turn around and look at the bookshelf once again, before looking back at Eric and seeing a difference in the look in his eyes. Like he... Lost something in there. His eyes were warmer and the gold in his eyes shone brighter- but now. Eric looks into my eyes for a split-second, then he turns away and begins to study the room.

He takes a look at the metal watch on his wrist and sighs. 'Training's done for today, you might want to tell your friends you're okay.' He says. 'Nah.' I answer. Eric turns around to look at me, a hint of shock in his eyes, but his face is serious. 'Nah? What's that supposed to mean?' He questions. 'Well, nah is generally used for a more... informal way of saying no, however some people-' 'Don't smart-mouth me.' Eric orders. 'Why so serious?' I ask him. Eric looks at me and lifts an eyebrow. 'Really?' He asks. 'Really.' I answer. Eric shakes his head, as if to try and forget the conversation. 'Well, if you're not going with your friends where are you staying?' He asks. 'Here.' Eric's face turns into a frown. 'Here?' He mimics. 'Riiiight here.' I reply. His frown turns into one of his signature smirks. 'And what makes you think you can stay here?' He asks positively. 'This couch.' I say while plopping down onto it and getting comfy. 'Are you going to leave?' Eric questions. 'Can I take the couch with me?' I answer his question with a question. 'No.' He replies. 'Then I'm not leaving.' I answer him. Eric chuckles, widening his smirk into a genuine smile. 'You're real stubborn, you know that.' He says while plopping onto the sofa next to me. He takes a sideways glance at me, still smiling. 'So I've been told.' I respond. 'No sarcastic remark this time, I'm proud of you.' He comments. 'Do I get a medal?' I question. 'And there it is.' Eric says, adding emphasis to the 'there'. I turn to face him, smiling wide. He returns the gesture with a genuine smile just like my own.

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