Chapter 4.

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Family First.

If there's one thing that the King and Queen of Cordonia value more than anything, it's family. And right now their family is growing. Shanelle is pregnant again and Marquise couldn't be happier. Shanelle is starting to warm up to the idea that another munchkin is currently getting itself comfortable in her womb. And today is the day they go for her first ultrasound.

"Another child? Congratulations Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Geoffrey. My wife and I are very excited about the news."

"I'm sure. it will be nice to have more than just your father's ghost roaming these halls."

"You watch your tongue! Only I get to disparage the great Constantine Rys!"

"Of course! Of course! My apologies, Your Majesty!"

"You aren't sorry!"

"Not in the least."

The two snickered. Geoffrey was not only Marquise's lead attendant but he's also one of his closest friends and someone he considers to be family.

"But in all seriousness, I am thrilled for you and Shanelle. I know how apprehensive she was about having another child."

"I know. Which is why I'm so thankful that she doesn't hate me."

"I don't think she'd hate you, Marquise."

"I keep forgetting that you were finishing boarding school when she was pregnant with Khari."

"I heard the stories though."

"For the record, she wasn't that bad."

"No, but I heard you were."

Marquise cut his eyes at him through the mirror.

"Shut up and hand me my shirt."

Geoffrey snickered as he handed Marquise his shirt.

"So you think you two will have another girl?"

"It is certainly possible."

Geoffrey stopped.

"Forgive me if I am overstepping but what happens if this baby turns out to be a boy?"

Marquise let out a breath.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Also, it's not overstepping. You were still a kid when we lost our son."

"Yeah, I remember mom and her mom watching over her."

"Yeah but now is a new chapter in our family's story. And we're excited. At least I am. I still get to drink."

Geoffrey snorted.

"If she heard you say that she'd have your head."

"And my ass. On platters."

The two laughed as Margo walked in.

"Oh no. You two laughing together always spells trouble."

"Mom!" they say in unison.

"And just what are you two plotting?"

"Nothing! Right, Geoffrey?"

"Yeah! I'm doing my job and helping our King get dressed."

Margo raised an eyebrow.

"Then why is his shirt so wrinkled and his collar still up at the bottom?"

Both look at Marquise's wrinkled shirt and upturned collar in the mirror then sheepishly look back at Margo

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