Chapter 6.

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Enemy Of The State.

Shanelle's heels rapidly clicked across the marble floor as she strode to her husband's office. Today was the day she would get full ownership of all of the Royal Family's personal vacation properties. It was all part of her new brand Rys International. She has plans to open her Hospitality Brand. But first, she needs her husband's signature on the transfer of ownership paperwork.

There were butterflies in her stomach. And not because of her twins. This was the first time she would do something outside of her duties as queen. She would finally achieve her dream of opening a business all on her own.

When she walked into Marquise's office, he was just finishing up some important paperwork with his cousin. The Keeper of The Royal Archives Giancarlo Rys.

"That should be the last of the acquisition paperwork, Your Majesty. I just need your seal and signature here and here and I need you to record the date and time of each." Giancarlo said to him.

Marquise signed and sealed the paperwork.

"There. Signed, dated, and sealed. Thank you again, Carlo."

"Of course my King. It's my job. I'll have these sent to Queen Reena immediately."

"By this time tomorrow Auvernal will be mine. It's crazy to think that one of our more adversarial counterparts will be under my control!"

"Uh oh! The King has gone mad with power!" Shanelle said as she walked into his office.

Marquise snickered.

"You're just now figuring that out, my love? I went mad with power years ago!"

"However did I miss the signs?" She replied dramatically.

Giancarlo shook his head with a laugh.

"You two were made for each other." He said to Shanelle before turning back to Marquise, "I will have these filed and sent off immediately."

"Thank you, Carlo. That's all for now."

Giancarlo bowed.

"Of course my King. It's good to see you, my Queen."

Shanelle smiled at him.

"It's good to see you too, Carlo. Give Mariana my regards."

"I will do that, my Queen."

Shanelle watched Giancarlo close the office door before turning her attention to her husband.

"Well, that's one meeting down."

Marquise sighed.

"Yeah and about 50 more to go."

"My poor husband. Being the King isn't as easy as many believe it to be," she said as she walked behind his desk.

"Not at all, my Goddess. Now, what brings you here, hmm?"

"You mean besides, your good looks, hypnotic baritone, wicked charm, and strong arms?"

Marquise shook his head with a smirk as she plopped into his lap.

"Yes, besides that my love."

"Paperwork. You, my handsome husband, are supposed to sign the transfer of ownership paperwork."

"Ahh yes. I have that right here," he said as he reached behind them and laid the paperwork on his desk.

He watched Shanelle's eyes light up.

"I can't believe this is actually happening!"

"It's happening my love. You've earned it."

He signed and sealed the paperwork before handing the pen over to her.

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