Chapter 10.

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Boys Of Summer.

TW: mentions of abuse, Childhood trauma, and child abuse. Reader Discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED!

Boys Of Summer.

It was another late night for His Majesty. He was in his study drafting new legislation for the country. And although he was working hard, he was missing his family. As of late, he's been holed up in his study. Running a kingdom wasn't as easy as many thought it was. Most nights as of late; he wouldn't leave his study until maybe 9:30 pm-10:00 pm.

And by that time all he could do was peek in on his sleeping baby girl and then head to his bedroom where his wife was already asleep as well. With a kiss on Shanelle's forehead, he normally goes to take a shower, changes into sweatpants then climbs in bed and goes to sleep beside her. And in the mornings he's up early and in the gym until it's time for him to officially start his day.

Being a ruling monarch is hard yet incredibly rewarding. He loves caring for and about his people. Keeping them safe and prosperous is a top priority. But with all that said, what Marquise loves and prioritizes most and more than anything is his little girl and especially her very pregnant mother. Shanelle and Khari are his reasons for everything that he does.

The way he rules is based on making sure his daughter who will eventually be the future queen doesn't have to do much work to keep Cordonia going.

Something his father didn't do for him.

As of late, the only time he saw the two parts of his heart was when he had lunch with either one. Shanelle and Khari would always walk through the courtyard next to his study and wave at him. It always melts his heart to see his girls. Especially when they're smiling. He hated being away from them but the new legislation wasn't going to write itself.

There was an explosion at a factory in Betraut, a village in the most southeastern part of Cordonia. The lives lost in the explosion angered and saddened him. So after taking cues from American Labor and Workplace Safety Laws he was drafting legislation to ensure that a deadly accident like that never happens again.

He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't hear Shanelle come in.

"Well, you're hard at work."

"Huh? Oh sorry! I didn't hear you when you came in."

"I noticed. What are you up to?" she asked.

"Working on the new safety laws," he replied.

Shanelle walked behind his desk and peeked at the paperwork in front of him.

"Is it about the factory explosion?" she asked.

"Yes," he replies.

"You know that wasn't your fault right?" she asked.

"I know but still I feel responsible," he replies.


Marquise took a deep breath.

"It's my job to keep our people and kingdom safe."

"Our job, Marquise. It's our job to keep our people and kingdom safe. Yours and mine."

Marquise sighed deeply.

"I know but I can't bring myself to put this kind of pressure on you. You're pregnant Shanelle. I not only have a responsibility to the kingdom, but I also have a responsibility to you and your pregnancy."

"I wish you'd stop that."

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Stop acting like I don't have a job to do. I'm not delicate. You don't have to treat me with kid gloves on."

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