Chapter 5.

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Trust Fall.

Marquise was coming out of his bedroom wearing nothing but his low-hanging grey sweatpants when he ran into the last person he wanted to see. His father.

"Hello, my son. It's good to finally catch up with you."

"What are you doing here?!"

Constantine gave him a tight smile.

"I've been trying to catch you since you came home."

"How the hell did you get in here?" Marquise asked his father.

"With my key. How do you think I got in?"

"You don't have a key."

Connie pulled a key out of his pocket.

"Yes, I do."

"How the fuck did you get a key to my apartment?"

"I'm the King, son. That's how."

Marquise let out an aggravated sigh.

"What do you want?"

Just as Connie went to respond, Shanelle walked out of the bedroom.

"When are you coming back to bed?" she asked Marquise.

"Well hello there young lady," Connie replied.

Shanelle's eyes went wide when she finally saw Connie.


"Aren't you going to introduce your company son?" Connie asks.

"Son?" Shanelle asked as she looked at Marquise.

Marquise sighed heavily.

"Shanelle, meet my father. Constantine Rys, The current King of Cordonia."

"Your father?" she asked.

"Yes. His father."

Shanelle looked at Marquise.

"You didn't tell me that I would be meeting your dad."

"I didn't? Oh well, that's because he isn't supposed to fucking be here."

"Watch your tone, boy!" Connie sneered.

"You didn't answer my question...father."

"What question?" Connie asks.

"What do you want?" Marquise replied.

"I want you to stop whatever this little dalliance of yours is", he says as he gestures to Shanelle, "and return to the palace immediately."

"I'll return when I'm ready."

"That wasn't a question son."

"You have my answer."

Connie let out an aggravated sigh.

"Do you have to be so damn stubborn, boy?"

"I don't know, do you always have to be a constant drunken whore?"

Connie glared at his son as he stood up.

"I've had enough of your insubordination! I'm not just your father and I am your King! So you have 72 hours to return to the palace!"

With that, Connie turned in his heel and walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"Well, that couldn't have gone any worse," Marquise muttered before running a frustrated hand down his face.

"Are you okay?" Shanelle asked him.

"I will be. Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Yeah. That was just awkward as hell," she replied.

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