One thing you now do because you with them

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(It will make sense in a second)

💠Leo: Saying I am Y/n

Before you dated him you you would just celebrate internally when you won or achieve something but now whenever that happens you

"I am Y/n!" You first did it when you, the guys, and April were playing monopoly. You were just as confused as them when it came out of your mouth but Leo was like

💠 "🥹!" Ever since then it has become normal thing for you and everyone started calling you second Leo.

🥊Raph: Wearing red everyday

Before you would wear dark colors but when you started dating Raph we made a joke that it would be really cute if you wear red everyday. Even though you knew he was joking you decided to do it. At first he didn't realize but after a whole ass month he asked you and said yes. Ever since it has become a routine to wear something red everyday.

👾Donnie: Making tech stuff

It started when you caught Donnie once again staying up trying to finish something up you tried to drag him away but he wouldn't budge. You then asked what would make him stop doing this and he replied with if someone good with tech and engineering. You decided to teach yourself hoping you could get your boyfriend to stop overworking himself and it did work. Ever since if Donnie was working on something you would join trying to get him to sleep that night.

🍕Mikey: Cooking

Mikey noticed you always order takeout and asked why and replied with I burn everything I cook even in the microwave. Mikey didn't want you to waste anymore money so started giving you cooking lessons. The first couple of lesson ended in flames but after while you got the hang of it. You wouldn't call yourself a master chef but good enough for yourself and your babe.

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