RP request of the remake of the shadow's bride

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hello I am looking for a rper ( role-player) that can do a good villain act, mostly cause I am planning on making a remake of my book the shadow's bride, DM me or if you want to do it on Discord please send your name and number and I will get to you ( on  chat so your Discord account name doesn't get leaked out and such and your privacy is safe) 

 now here is the characters are from AGA  for the book:

 Freddy Fazbear: leader of the band of course and does his best to keep Goldie from taking over the pizzeria ( but in my remake book Freddy will be a coward who looks out for himself and the pizzeria's reputation and his crew then Goldie)

 Chica the chicken: is the backup singer and cook but mostly tries to keep Goldie from taking pizza and calls him Goldilocks. ( in the book she is still she is but doesn't know Freddy that well of being a coward and such) 

 Bonnie the bunny: has a small crush on Goldie but doesn't want the others to know it yet or be hated by the crew for trying to join Goldie on his evil plans or pranks

 Foxy the pirate fox: chases Goldie around or steals the pizza back that Goldie steals and calls him Bilge rat ( in the book he will find out that Freddy gave away Goldie to shadow Freddy)

 Goldie the villain of the pizzeria: fails each time as always and only comes out at night to cause mischief, and is a huge prankster ( and in the book he is going to be the bride of shadow Freddy and possibly be the 2nd king as well of the shadow kingdom)

 Shadow Freddy: the main super villain of all times of each comic ( in my book still is the main villain and he will find a way to get Goldie on his side and prove to Goldie that Freddy is the bad guy, he will be a king of the shadow kingdom shortly in a month)

 Finn the sea beagle: is shy and came from Silly Pete's pizza and games ( in the book he is Goldie's best friend )

 toy Freddy: the scary cat toy bear that looks up to Freddy but is scared of Goldie and now shadow ( in the book still the same results) 

 toy Bonnie: he mostly calls people or their idea lames or lame-os ( I think that is how he says it??)

 toy Chica: has a huge crush on Goldie and wants to win his heart but doesn't accept that Goldie like-likes Bonnie

 toy Foxy or Mangle: likes Goldie and sometimes talks to them

 puppet or Mari: she is mostly like a therapist for everyone but hasn't met everyone yet she has met, Freddy, toy Chica, Bonnie, and Goldie, but she doesn't like Freddy cause of how he treats Goldie badly and she wants to help Goldie out the best she can, but she mostly stays in her box for reasons

Henry or Mr. Manager: Henry had the pizzeria built and helps the best he can but mostly gets Mike involved when something happened inside the pizzeria

Mike ( the night guard): Mike has been the closest to the animtronics more than anyone even the manager and has been getting involved in things in the pizzeria most likely to help with any problems like helping Foxy not scare the kids by accident

Pete: is the rat and the leader of Silly Pete's pizza and games but is mean and is afraid of " dad" ( in the book same results) Dottie: is a backup singer like Chica in Silly Pete's pizza and games and misses Finn when he got shipped to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria and doesn't like " dad" a whole bunch or Pete

"dad": is the owner of Silly Pete's pizza and games but probably had stolen ideas of Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria back in the 80s but the evidence is hard to find and he likes to be called dad by the 3 animtronics, Pete the leader rat, Dottie the backup singer bunny, and Finn ( who is no longer there now) ( in the book he is a huge jerk)

 now to the new characters in the book o the aga characters:

 Luci or Spade: Spade is a shadow jester that is Shadow's friend and works for the shadow king, she helps out with any plan she is given orders to and she does a good job at it but will probably backstab them

Leviathan the shadow pirate prince of envy and probably lust: Leviathan is the son of the shadow king, but he likes to sail the 7 deadly seas and is looking for a bride himself wanting to be king before shadow Freddy does ( the two don't get along very nicely), will take anything his hearts desire without 2nd thought or remorse for the other person he hurts

Loki the prince of greed and selfishness ( yes I know I named him after the prince of trouble and such): is the shadow king's little brother, he lives in a shack all alone and is always plotting to get his revenge one day on his brother, he is the now prince of greed and selfishness instead of a king, he wants to get back at his brother but works together with a certain brown bear ( you all know who, I am talking about) to take over the throne

shadow guards and shadow hunters: they all work for the shadow king and will work with the new shadow king shortly, they are mute but takes their orders seriously and can run up to 120 mph and have an amazing sense of smell and hearing

 Alfdis the time and death lady: works with the shadow king and many more before them, she can turn age and time back, but she is mostly called the time of death and age, she has a staff to help keep her powers under control and uses it when told or needed when in battle or intruders Sam the shadow prince of lies and no age: Sam is the middle child of both shadow Freddy and Leviathan, he is the prince of lies and can lie his way out of many things except to his father ( they don't see eye to eye on things), will make sure both shadows fight and such to take over the kingdom and cause chaos but is slowly poisoning his father ( the shadow king) to make the progress go faster and he can't be killed with the shadow dagger that all shadows fear and die from ( he is a special breed that can't get killed even tho he is half shadow and half something)

 and that is all of them let me know in the comments if you are interested please take your time tho when reading this anyways have a good day and stay safe you all

p.s: yes I would have done this in the conversation but it had a word limit of 20000 and nothing more

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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