Chapter 1: home you say? : Page 1- denial.

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I was finally looking outside, no longer in denial for people living here.
A few ago, I thought that Seviyn would disagree with people living near his house, but he seems calm, and clearly enjoying the attention others give him.
Me and Morcant, on the other hand, have made a private tent where we make juice and biscuits, and we now visit the river we used to go as children, though not every day, it's quite far.

Seviyn's house isn't that far from our (empty) town, and the river is near the town, which makes it a long but fun walk.

Gabrielle, she's found someone else, a man with grey hair named James, who has a ton of money, but has departed to 'work' somewhere. He's just devouring other women, waiting for Gabrielle to cry and weep.

We were sitting on the table, where we heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I asked Seviyn, who was taking a cup of something...
"I know, it's the man who wanted to take my biscuits! I'm gonna make money!" Morcant exclaimed, opening the door. A man on the ladder below was holding money in one hand, keeping balance.

"Come on down then!" He said, grunting down.

We left Morcant to take his business somewhere else.
Once he left, Seviyn took my hand to where his bed was.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking at him.
"I heard something, a few men with two women, they were talking about the King-"
"The King? He hasn't been heard of for like...forever! Isn't he dead? Either way he can't even try to kill us!" I interrupted in fear.
"No, but that IS the problem, he sent them to kill us,"
"But...this is our home, we may have no certificate or legal permission to make our home here but it's still-"
"They think Bezier is still alive," He says.


"So?..." I ask him, quietly.
"They're going to stay like this, we have to give them the truth!" He exclaims, running his finger on mine.
"But...they aren't ready, you know how they acted when you said 'what if I was him, would you kill me?', they said yes!"
"I forgot about that, but who cares, that isn't important,"
"How do you know?" I say, my mouth turning into a line.

"I just do, okay?" He stood up and stormed off, jumping right out the door.
I've never seen him jump out of it so angrily, the look on his face was brutal. He's turned a bit weird, you might see it later.

Unless in dangerous situations we do that.

Am I the dangerous situation?

I followed him down the ladder, but I couldn't see him. And I am not apologising.
I saw Morcant, a girl trying to...

Kiss him?

"Morcant!" I shouted, trying to save him.
He smiled sheepishly at me. I tilted my head in confusion.

"She's been stalking me for...days-" Pointing at a girl, he looked annoyed. She had raven black hair and a light brown dress, but I didn't care about her appearance.
"She's doing that to everyone?"
"But more to me," He says, pointing to himself now.

Not knowing what to do, I ran off, seeing Seviyn talk to another man.
Oh no.

"Seviyn!" I shouted, looking at Morcant, who was looking at his shoes, licking his lips as a nervous habit. I felt bad.

Never mind Sev.

I run back to him, holding his hand.

"Hey, it's okay, she won't kill you,"
He looks up at me.
"Rohesia, do you want to go to our tree?"

Feeling a rush up on my cheeks, I have a slight feeling he still loves me.

I nod, and we walk around the tents, and out of the forest.

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