Page 2- a cave.

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I wake up, with Seviyn rubbing his hands across my legs, keeping them warm.
"You're awake," He says.
I sit up, and see food. Dried fruits, and toast with marmalade. The jar is near the fruits, where I start to panic a bit. We're in the woods again.

"Where is Morcant?" I ask. I catch a glimpse of his lips curling, and a negative vibe is in him.
Did he kill him?!

"He went to get us water, he'll be back,"

I crawl over to the food, and start eating.

"What now?" I ask him. He sighs, "We'll just gather more food and wait for tomorrow,"
Oh. Okay?
"So everyday we just get food and water? We'll die of fever and disease!"
"No, tomorrow will be better," He says, and gives me a kiss.

I catch a glimpse of Morcant staring at us while walking with water in a couple of flasks in a hand-made basket. Seviyn pulls away, and we all continue eating awkwardly.

After eating, we all decide to start hunting for the day, they both teach me how to hunt and aim better. Morcant gave me a short single lesson though, and then sort of stayed quiet and kept his distance away from us.

He's a good archer though.

"My name is Archer, and you?"

I rub my forehead, feeling dizzy. Archer...
I remember him...

Seviyn interrupts, "Make a fire Morcant," He tells him.

Morcant stands up and does as he says, but he sees a rabbit. Oh shoot.

He drops the wood, and grabs his knife. Chasing it, he runs after it, cursing it and cussing.

I've never seen him so angry before.
He disappears, and I can't see him anymore.

"Where'd he go-" Sev asks.

A few minutes later, he comes back with a ton of blood staining his clothes, face and hands, it dazzles over his lips and drips down. What'd he kill? An army?

We look at him confused and disgusted.

He holds a bloody rabbit in his stained palms.

"I killed a whole family of rabbits," He finally says, getting sick of our staring.

"Damn," Sev says under his breath. He flings it over the stick above the fire, and he grabs the bucket of water, and goes a few metres away from us. I stare. He pours it over his clothes, and body, as if his clothes don't matter.

Uncomfortable much.

He comes back, wringing the hem of his shirt, like we didn't see him.

I continue turning the stick around, making sure the rabbit will die entirely.

"Be careful with that though, it bit me," He says, pointing to the rabbit. He looks and Sev and me.

"Don't be so gloomy, it's just a family of rabbits," He remarks. Eesh, just a family.

"You... are cruel," Sev says, in a calm voice. Morcant chuckles, leaning his back on the tree, sitting on a cut down stump. Two trees near one, one cut down. Huh.

He takes the rabbit off, and easily rips the skin off, and he uses a knife to cut the meat into pieces. He puts each slice on a leaf, which he soaked in another bucket to make it clean. Ah, that's why. Sev thought he was mad.

He gave me a piece, and one to Seviyn. After we were done, he gave us another.
We threw the remaining leaves on the floor, and it was completely dark now.

"Morcant, did you eat?" Seviyn asks him.
"You sure?" I say.
"Yes," He lies.

"Alright," Seviyn says, narrowing his eyes down at his Morcant's back. He down on his chest, as if he was sun-tanning. My thoughts were swirling. Is Seviyn worried for him? 

Kings Pot of CursesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora